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when will the romance start romancing

the second i saw it was kai staff i dropped it

so im on ch 47 and i’ve read some spoilers which have made me very confused.

ethan/edan is the one who rescued dorothy and turned back time because he loves her right?

now, why on earth would dorothy fall in love with him when we’ve seen several times how ethan had enabled her evil doings by manipulating her into doing them? dorothy has repeated in her current timeline that ethan was just as corrupt and power hungry as she was and she didn’t want to be like that. if a simple confession was going to erase all of dorothy’s hard work and effort and she ends up falling for him, then the story had wasted my time.

as for theon, i read that in the previous timeline he only agreed to marry dorothy so he can be closer to ray to manage his powers. is it the same in this timeline or does he genuinely love dorothy?

i hope that the story won’t have romance if the male love interests are trash and instead focuses on dorothy’s growth as a spiritless princess and learns to forgive herself.

bakashi created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

damien being in pain is so good i love it!

bakashi created a topic of Sigrid

i’m glad that this is back but the translation is awkward. i’ll be waiting until we get better ones.

bakashi created a topic of Absolute Threshold

the english is so awkward i cant stand it

bakashi created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

i’m so so SO proud of maxi for standing her ground and finally telling riftan what she really wants. i’m still mad at riftan but i’m glad the he listened to her and came up with a compromise.

i hate mujin so much he ruined everything!!

bakashi created a topic of Dead man Switch

i’m just confused as to why the updates are so slow

bakashi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

i think i’m gonna drop this and pick it up when it’s completed. not only are the updates are super slow but the story is even SLOWER

like i love myself a good slow burn but nothing’s happening here.

so why is white haired boy so determined to have carnephelia when we’ve barely seen them interact with each other? it felt so random.

i honestly prefer black haired boy solely on how carnephelia kept laughing freely in his presence. i know it won’t happen but i wish he was the male lead.

bakashi created a topic of Our Sunny Days

3-4 months may seem a lot but s1 has been out since august without a single hiatus so the author deserves some rest. see you then, our sunny days


can caesar please go away? i have zero interest in the man and i would much rather have ari with alphonso.

bakashi created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

look i love riftan a lot and i always support him but this time he crossed the line. not only did he disrespect maxi in front of everyone, he didn’t even bother to try to communicate with her. i understand that he’s angry, scared and worried but there’s no need for him to shout. especially when maxi repeatedly told him that she is safe and is properly taking care of herself but he refuses to listen which is something i will not tolerate. especially when he belittled her against princess agnes when he KNOWS it’s a sensitive topic to maxi. she likes her, yes, but she’ll always compare herself to the princess because of her low self-esteem (that she’s trying to fix) and because she had (probably still does) the fear that riftan will marry the princess and riftan KNOWS all about her worried in regards to princess agnes UGH!!!!

i’m so happy and so damn proud to see maxi standing her ground and defending herself and i’m so glad that all of the knights are supportive of maxi.

all couples fight, that’s normal, but what isn’t normal is refusing to accept facts and resorting to yelling.

bakashi created a topic of Selena

did they change her eyes? they look bigger than before

bakashi created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

ugh damien is so iconic

bakashi created a topic of Our Sunny Days

i’m gonna miss them

bakashi created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

not riftan not knowing what a period is

the story seems good but the translation is trash i cant concentrate at all. two uploaders, and two terrible translation.