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Autumn asked a question

Recommend me your favorite bl!

Autumn asked a question

Any Enemies/Rivals/Academic Rivals/Annoyances to Lovers bl manhwa?

Autumn asked a question

Any roommate tropes? Or just living in the same house.

Autumn asked a question

I'm looking for those roommates tropes or enemies/rivals/annoyances to lovers BL manhwas. Preferably completed, long and no love triangle. Smut or non smut is okay!

Autumn asked a question

I'm looking for those roommates tropes or enemies/rivals/annoyances to lovers BL manhwas. Preferably completed, long and no love triangle. Smut or non smut is okay!

Autumn asked a question

Kinda like this trope, are we dating? X we're not?

If you get what I mean.

Or this trope, Love and Hate Relationship, Frenemies.

Autumn created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge


Autumn asked a question

Kinda like this trope, are we dating? X we're not?

If you get what I mean.

Or this trope, Love and Hate Relationship, Frenemies.

Autumn asked a question

Looking for a good manhwa with system-transmigration like themes? I prefer those that doesn't have romance in it.

Autumn asked a question

Soo there's this boy who lives alone (uke) I think near the sea and there's this another boy (seme) who is from the village. The two of them ends up becoming close, to the point of the village boy sleeping in the other boy's house. The uke has some extraordinary powers and he kills some monsters that is made by the sea. Yeah and then they grew up they are still close, I think I stop reading when they went to another place and they ended up doing it (not sure) at an inn (not sure again). This description is not clear and purepy correct since I have read this bl from like 2022.

Autumn asked a question

Bl manhwa recomms like the bl manhwa "can't think straight/crossing the line" thankss

Autumn asked a question

Can someone recommend me some good smutty green flag bls. Preferably manhwa and completed.

Autumn asked a question

Looking for green flag, smtty and fun to read bl manhwas! No to one shots, preferably long.

Autumn asked a question

Some completed manhwa bl that's smutty and fun to read.

Autumn asked a question

Seme and Uke are roommates or housemates, preferably long and no love triangle. Thankss

Autumn asked a question

Seme and Uke are roommates or housemates, preferably long and no love triangle. Thankss

Autumn asked a question

Looking for good bl smuts that is completed and is preferably long.

Autumn asked a question

Looking for bl masterpieces that has smut chapters, preferably long and completed, thank youu!!

Autumn followed a list
Autumn followed a list

Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

20 03,2024