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miffy created a topic of Sketch

“it’s not that you don’t have faith in me. it’s the situation you don’t trust” BRUH WHA- A BAR

dats right remind him that you a hot mf and would be too op with long hair

miffy created a topic of Nerd Project

i love me two bold guys keke

miffy created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

i keep forgetting that he may die before her bc of the very first page

miffy created a topic of Cry Me a River

we 27chaps in and ain’t NOTHIN being added to the plot

miffy created a topic of Bad Friend

ik we were all thinking that he didn’t need to shove it up his ass and dramatically fuck to save him

miffy created a topic of Taming the Tiger

one chapter i’m heheing and aw-ing, the next i’m bawling my eyes out of disbelief, and then i’m bawling it out even more for their beautiful ending

miffy created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

as expected the author never fails with a delish story and art

miffy created a topic of Limited Run

i feel like webtoons these days are leaning more on side stories to finish their plot/ story. i agree with everyone that the end was rushed but ofc knowing this author ik they will wrap it up nicely in the side stories. :)