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Because the alpha should be on it for multiple counts

Every update I am reminded that this author, this artist, their team of editors, and their publisher all read the alpha’s character fun fact sheet, saw ‘unregistered sex offender’ ‘r@pist’ and ‘serial killer kidnapping and chaining to bed tendencies’ and allowed HIM to even be a contender for male lead.

Who tf wants to ship the r@pist alpha with his victim beta ?? Like that’s a couple that is sponsored by Stockholm syndrome there’s no way to redeem the alpha and not one character in this story (outside of the beta’s brother and his yummy looking husband) have even an ounce of personality.

There’s no character development because there’s no CHARACTER to be had, the beta is a sentient ‘I’ll always be in your back pocket, second choice is fine, when/if the person you choose over me time and time again ends things, you can rest assured that I am pathetic enough to welcome you back with open arms” DOORMAT.

For a person with abandonment issues to cling to someone who blatantly tells you that you’re a stand in for someone else and they’d leave you (and did leave you on multiple occasions) in a heartbeat for their real soulmate, is WILDDD and also just pathetic. The alpha’s entire personality is just adding various crimes to their growing list of charges. And the omega is roleplaying as prolific stalker Joe Goldberg without the murder.

Like the author is basically playing a game of “if the character is hot enough, can a poorly written redemption arc - which will likely consist of the alpha being a sadboi and crying about his hardships to his victim (the beta) who will immediately take him back because the beta literally does not know what self respect is - make my readers forget I chose to (for no good plot or character developing reason at all) make the male lead a r@pist who chained the beta to a bed for days and deprived him of proper medical care ?”

It’s ridiculous and sad like you’re making sure your readers have no one to root for. If the twist ending is they all end up single tho, I will eat my pants because that would be the ONLY acceptable ending and I don’t think the author would do that after freely choosing to make every top character unlikable felons and sex offenders