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Nickname created a topic of Midnight Dweller

This feels like one of those stories where the author is a straight woman who has never interacted with a gay man or gay couple irl ever

Like queer authors NEVERRRR write such dysfunction and borderline non-con toxic relationships it always makes me so sad that korean authors specifically always think their ‘top’ has to be a walking talking prime example of ‘men who you’d 100% get a restraining order against and fear for your wellbeing irl’

Also, I’m so sorry but mpreg almost always gives me “straight woman who, bc she’s hetero, has this feeling that a baby is the ultimate ending to a romantic coupling so having men able to get pregnant makes the relationship more ‘solid’ and palatable to them” there was NO need to throw a baby into the chaos of this couple’s relationship like I’m so sorry but whhhhyyyyyy