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karpio created a topic of Limited Run

ending was fr rushed and unclimactic af
not even make up smex?! it don't even need that to have a good ending fr about UNRUSHED TALK AND GROVELING for forgiveness an expression from yeonoh of contemplating to forgive him or not. A tender scene after they make up of them just talking about everything they've been through with some deep dialogue of the fragility of life or thr complexity of human emotion...the.series HAD all those notes in the chapters... but the ending really messed out. Even with side chapters the ending itself should be solid. I should feel sad it ended not dissatisfied and annoyed. I still liked the series overall but this takes it down from a 8or9/10 to a 7.5 or7/10

karpio created a topic of Limited Run

This is some of the best s*x scenes I've read tbh their facial expressions..especially Kwon are immaculate! I also like the plot and emotions given to the characters