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sukiluvr created a topic of Jinx

People who are acting like Jaekyung is the worst Top in existence seems like jinx is their very first BL manhwa lmfao cause what's with these fuckass takes lol.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

He is healing, yes, but I really don't think he is ever moving on from Jooin lmao. It's so clear that he still regards him as his master and thinks he is following his 'order'.

sukiluvr created a topic of Wet Sand

Why peeps are so mad that Ian is fucking two individuals? Like did you forget that you're reading a fucking love triangle for a reason? If he gonna pick one now itself then story itself will be over like how old are y'all to be making such statements bruh!

sukiluvr created a topic of Wet Sand

I will say it once again THEY ARE SOULMATES!

sukiluvr created a topic of Wet Sand

It's funny how Ian is a power bottom only with that younger dude meanwhile with TJ he is on all fours and ready to mould however tj wants him lmao. Bro is down bad fr.

sukiluvr created a topic of Wet Sand

It's the way they look at each other *chef's kiss* for the 1000th time I so so wish this was not a love triangle man TJ and Ian belong to eachother and it would be a crime to seperate them bruh.

sukiluvr created a topic of Wet Sand

Sometimes I so wish this was not a love triangle man like it would've been so perfect with just Tj and Ian :(

sukiluvr created a topic of Wet Sand

Bro TJ haters in the comments are so pathetic.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

Why do I see some people here comparing these BL characters and relationships to real-life?Do you realize how dumb you sound. This is a fiction and things happen here are's the same for 90% of the BL manhwas out there. People read these books for fun and they are aware that it's not real. Neither these BL MANHWAS NOR THE CHARACTERS ARE THE MORAL COMPASS...THEY DON'T REFLECT THE REAL LIFE IN ANYWAY. Please stop this fuckery oh god.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

Finished rereading some parts of the manhwa and I have been wanting to say this oh god Cain is just a flat character with no layers whatsoever. He really doesn't have any personality other than being a dog until the end. All the other characters other than this guy showed some character development but meanwhile this fella stayed the same until the very end.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

I'm not sure why people are so mad over who Jooin chose at the end like what were you expecting when the mc never loved the other guy lol. It has been so clear all this time? Anyway, I'm happy for Yahwi lol. Hope we get more chapters on them spending time together and building their relationship.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

I have seen some people saying "Jooin going back to Yahwi would just diminish his character development cause he was hurt by Yahwi" umm isn't how 70-80% of the BLs here like that? Top guy being an asshole, bottom hurt, bottom leaves, top guy realizes, redemption arc, chasing arc, and finally reconciliation. With this logic all of these MCs should have also ended up alone then cause won't that diminish their character? The point here is this concept is not really something new that few peeps think it is.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

Man's literally out there drawing a cat doodle on the window lmao if it's still not obvious who the endgame is then ai dunno.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

SPOILER ALERT: It has always been Yahwi lmao if people are still surprised or confused then it's on you and your reading comprehension for sure lol.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

After reading both the way Jooin ended with Yahwi and Cain all I can say is to me it's clear as day that who is the end game and it's not Cain lol.

With Yahwi it was actually Yahwi who spoke for Jooin and ended things with him and let's not forget the way Jooin was crying and there were no explicit Good byes. To me as a reader while reading it didn't feel like that was gonna be their ultimate meet up and in fact felt there is a room for development in the future.

However with Cain well the bro knew that Jooin NEVER LOVED HIM and whatever Jooin told him were more like he appreciated him and treasured him. And loving and treasuring someone is not one and the same(as said by Jooin himself). Ultimately when when Jooin removed the leash and frees him...Cain goes like he wouldn't look back now and be happy like Jooin asked. So yeah lol it's pretty obvious that where this is gonna go after the time skip.

sukiluvr created a topic of The Man At Night


sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

All I care about YTC is Yahwi as no other characters have ever piqued my interest so I really hope he gets a happy ending that he deserves that's about it lol.

sukiluvr created a topic of Yours to Claim

Practically speaking Yahwi is literally in the 2.5 seasons out of 3 seasons. If that white man who is the incarnation of dog is the endgame who is barely present in the manhwa then I really dunno lmao. Like the author should have established that white dude and MC's relationship properly then at least it would have made some sense.

sukiluvr created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

This dude gotta be one of the dumbest bottoms I have ever seen in the BLs the way he never once suspended that psycho dude is crazy!