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banannogram June 12, 2024 5:19 am

Art is half the story, respectively to which I connect with up until chapter 65 (end of season one). Don't understand as to why so many users are so violently demeaning others for the dislike in art style change. they're not hating the author, nor against the new artist, simply stating that now, as I experienced, it is no longer the same story that can be told. It's a clear difference. Many people forget that people can have a valid reason for voicing their displeasure and do not have to tolerate others essentially telling them to "shut up" about it because they personally define it as "complaining". Stating my opinion here: take your advice if you don't like this comment, don't read it if you don't like it.

    3uddha June 12, 2024 8:19 am

    with that logic..if you don't like the art style and it effects HALF of your opinion towards the story then "don't read it if you don't like it" (⊙…⊙ )

    Chi_reads June 12, 2024 12:06 pm

    We don't care. Shut up about it.

    banannogram June 12, 2024 5:20 pm
    with that logic..if you don't like the art style and it effects HALF of your opinion towards the story then "don't read it if you don't like it" (⊙…⊙ ) 3uddha

    Okay, Carol

    banannogram June 12, 2024 5:20 pm
    We don't care. Shut up about it. Chi_reads

    Whatever you say, Carol

    3uddha June 12, 2024 5:25 pm
    Whatever you say, Carol banannogram

    ..LMAO?? do you mean karen? if so that'd be you since you're whining about an ARTSTYLE

    banannogram June 12, 2024 5:27 pm
    ..LMAO?? do you mean karen? if so that'd be you since you're whining about an ARTSTYLE 3uddha

    Sure... Carol

banannogram May 31, 2024 11:36 am

Some sketchy sons of bitches in here alright. Waiter, the bill, please. Me, the mc and Eeron will be riding out of here peacefully while the rest are left to their own devices. Pulling hair, whatever, leave them to it, and us out of it. They are the epitome of exhausting

banannogram May 31, 2024 7:32 am

Anyone know if this has a web novel? If so, any good translation website links, I would be tremendously grateful ╥﹏╥

banannogram May 30, 2024 8:08 am

It's starting to not make sense in the motive department unless we consider the possibility of the dutchess having already been subjected to the state of being actively consumed by the darkness therefore lacking any ability to stabalize a rational mind. Otherwise she'd maintain no further drive / reason when the emperor (bitch ass) goes onto clarify it was his former empress choice he had honored.

Don't get me started on the numerous accounts of plot holes. Not sure if it's due to poor organizational structure or missing points carefully threaded together in the novel (not entirely sure if it has one) but encountering the one by one was nothing short of a headache. One example being her highness, the princess inability to track mc's whereabouts. When on the other hand you have the crown prince who at the snap of his fingers traced her story to its orgins. Yet the princess who was supposedly searching for her ferociously, couldn't? Okay, well maybe the crown prince had access to more readily available resources and information due to it being within the boundaries of his kingdom. You could argue such things until a knight crossed over already suspicious and damn near out for blood, aware of her name, etc.. While we're at it, let's also ignore that said knight stated to the mc she would report immediately to her highness, the princess, after arriving back in her kingdom. Who then we were shown only afterward having the mc's location unveiled via a portrait another relative royal happened to buy, by chance no less.

Overall, I can't help but feel many of these issues could've been resolved with much less difficulty. Misunderstandings which could've been debunked given proper communication. Constant presence of gaslighting (excluding the empress whom unjustifiablely endured ten years of straight torture) I acknowledge can be quite difficult to deal with whilst trying to remain level headed. However that being said, there are many instances where in regards to the schemes drew up by the dutchess, allies could've turned the tables in their favor. Taking this aspect into mind it was frustrating digesting the plot route suggesting and reaffirming they were essentially powerless but were also somehow unable to properly orchestrate schemes of their own to defend themselves.

In short, the emperor can go to hell, dutchess has insane plot armor, love empress and crown prince, mc understand her reasoning but ultimately shes creating excuses for herself under the premise she must entirely focus on her duty without objection.

    CacahuateEstornudo June 8, 2024 8:15 am

    I think you are being too harsh. A lot of the plot holes you point seem nitpicky because you could easily could come u with a solution of how to solve that. Not everything needs to be shown. We as reader can infer some stuff. Sure, the crown princess couldn't couldn't track her but he could. This can be explained by: parhesa escaped to another country in which the crown princess influences didn't reach. Parhesa's painting was shown in an exposition and the princess didn't find out. But when thprince started investigating the first thing he knew about parhesa was that she was from dumanis, so he investigated her origin in dumanis, and in dumanis everyone knew parhesa so it was easy to obtain information on her. See, there, easily explained. Now, why would the writer even bother to add an explanation like this, they have a limited amount of pages per chapter and they want the chapter to progress the story a bit, otherwise the chapters become long wall of text where the story never moves on.
    On the other hand the writer could trust that it's readers will have enough media literacy to infer that there is a way for the prince to find out, and that maybe it's not the freaking point how he found out but to move one to another part of the story.
    The writer could spend five panels more explaining this insignificant and un impactful details. Soon the series will transform in one of those 2300 chapters monster that never ends. Stop being niticky, honestly.

    Sniffcats June 8, 2024 11:28 pm
    I think you are being too harsh. A lot of the plot holes you point seem nitpicky because you could easily could come u with a solution of how to solve that. Not everything needs to be shown. We as reader can in... CacahuateEstornudo

    Thank you for saying this cause I was wonder why the poster missed this.

    banannogram June 10, 2024 9:27 pm
    I think you are being too harsh. A lot of the plot holes you point seem nitpicky because you could easily could come u with a solution of how to solve that. Not everything needs to be shown. We as reader can in... CacahuateEstornudo

    Whilst I can agree to an extent with your argument, I don't necessarily agree the need to respond so critically to my opinion, as stated. Nowhere did I send any type of slander toward the author, I, as a reader, posted my opinion for the purpose to post it for me. As for being "nitpicky" I find it quite intriguing you using such words against me when you're clearly upset with my remarks? Yet I'm nitpicking? We as readers have different perspectives, so respectfully, I'll leave this here, but sincerely please remember; it's not that deep.

    CacahuateEstornudo June 11, 2024 11:23 am
    Whilst I can agree to an extent with your argument, I don't necessarily agree the need to respond so critically to my opinion, as stated. Nowhere did I send any type of slander toward the author, I, as a reader... banannogram

    You know what, you are right. I said you were nitpicky but I was being nitpicky over your comment. I'm sorry.

    banannogram June 12, 2024 4:29 am
    You know what, you are right. I said you were nitpicky but I was being nitpicky over your comment. I'm sorry. CacahuateEstornudo

    Thank you for willing to reflect on that. I appreciate it, we're all just readers here. May your day bid you well

banannogram May 17, 2024 9:20 pm

It's contradictory in the way lee ja-in approaches humanity. In the description it sources that humans fear what they do not understand therefore commit atrocious acts. Under this inclination, Lee Ja-in in his impression of humanity does exactly that. Despite encountering individuals who defy the stem of his hatred. Through this webtoon it's almost as if he actively denied or refused to care over this thought. I thought it intriguing considering the immense portrayal of him trying to validate and dissect his decision making. In addition to this, he viciously denounces humanity for trampling over those who are lesser on the technical food chain. Only to yet again, do the same thing. I find it interesting identifying these elements in the content I read where the thought between an intention actively goes against the belief it vows.

banannogram May 14, 2024 7:56 am

Hoping every child in this webtoon meets a happy ending. However that may look like. No child deserves a life built upon becoming familiar with pain over the good experiences and memories that shape us and we come to hold dear through the appearance of happiness. Children, animals, nature, the three most pure forms brought into this world and those alike. Resembling an abundance of blessings meant to be treasured and regarded as precious regardless of circumstance.

Often subjects such as these become a soft spot for me personally. For the vast majority of parents (with the exception of unique & fairly understandable variables) it is a product of their own selfishness choosing to bring forth a child into this world. Which is often a disregarded topic, especially when considering the "popular" opinions spun by traditionally older generations that children are to be eternally "grateful" toward their own parents. Yet it is those very same children who are treated an unjustifiable cruelty due to their fate of being unable to choose their own parents.

Which brings me to my stance. Children do not serve to fulfill adults expectations. Those who fail to acknowledge the responsibilities, or take accountability for assuming an active and present role in the necessary growth needed to raise a child cannot hope to achieve the title nor obtain the qualifications to reasonably be labeled a parent. To be more accurate the base of my message is if one does not try to be a parent (effort, earnest, genuine, growth, reflection) they cannot honorably take on the truth of what it means to be a parent or be called one. This is especially the case for the "parental figures" portrayed in the webtoon thus far.

That being said, I'm rooting for every individual character up till now, excluding the self proclaimed "parents" in the Colden kingdom. Whom can go fuck themselves. All I want to see is the children be happy. As well as the pink haired daughter of the duke. I hope she doesn't serve solely for the purpose of becoming a villainess pushing against the agenda advertised by the main leads. As she too was a victim, in part, strung along by her parent's grand ambition, and schemes. Let them have the opportunity to grow, sincerly author, I'm on my knees. I don't want another broken plot, something wholesome, I beg. ╥﹏╥

Somewhat also excited to see the potential couple pairings! Secretly in favor of Lilliana & prince Milan and prince Lucian & princess Livia, ships. Crossing my fingers they sail!!

banannogram May 4, 2024 5:19 am

don't relate as to why many users loathe the fl to the degree they do. Ignoring the misunderstandings piled, she's not the farthest shot from morally sound I've seen for a main side character / romantic interest... she's improving steadily with time. I somewhat prefer this fl spin, it feels more natural and human to me. Many cases people, starting out, aren't the greatest on their own but it is the individuals that come into their life and events that transpire that change and shape them for the better. Hoping this is the case here, as well. If not, then I will consider dropping, until then, I'll hold out for this possibility.

banannogram May 4, 2024 5:21 am

lmfao, this webtoon leaves me cackling any time a new chapter update comes in. It should almost be renamed, If peak comedy came to a fantasy webtoon. Though I am eager to see the progression of the main story plot lines and the identity behind the mc and his unique character synchronization, I am also hopeful the jests here and there remain. The most fun webtoon I've read in a while (among other like favorites) can't believe it's already come to the end of season one!! Can't wait to see what season two may have in store for us. I'll be patiently waiting (even if it's not that long) to see the results!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

banannogram March 20, 2024 9:22 am

I enjoy the discussions between challenging and opposing perspectives regarding corrupt societal values in this manga.

For instance, how swiftly a person / group can manipulate a situation into only dealing the results they'd like. In many cases, it doesn't boil down to lack of self awareness, but merely the power that comes along with controlling the narrative. Mass exposure is especially considered effective.

It often isn't discussed the overall lack of empathy and how integrated largely immoral practices found the walls of a fragile structure such as our current modern state (for example). Along with the absence of proper justification. It puts to show how far the rot has spread, from the stem on up.

I'm a firm advocate in the belief that the notion behind claims of general "superiority," are absolutely groundless. There is sincerly, no such thing. There is no reason on earth as to why you must commit hideous, vile and repulsive acts under the conclusion you are above one another. It's rather incredibly telling of an individual if this serves as their only driving purpose to act the way they do. Feeding into the inferiority complex spiral, does not make you a winner, folks. In the end, you'll end up on the same ground, perhaps finally realizing in life, it was your loss. Taking things for granted as life passed you by in a blip. I rather admire the mc for speaking upon "status" and it's harmful impacts while advocating it shouldn't be your determining factor of value

The argument I favor most, thus far, here is the boundary between thinking ideally and realistically. The "villainess" more resembles a blunt realist who reminds you, you can't play with people's lives like they don't get hurt or people don't directly experience consequences as a result of your actions. The "heroine," got on my nerve for this one (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸. That's not how the world works. It's incredibly simple minded to view and approach subjects in such a manner. Flaws will always exist, no matter the timeline, nor place, it does not discriminate. You're ignorant if you think otherwise. Life isn't a basket full of flowers and a bow to tie it together with. Life is many things, but easy is not one of them

banannogram March 17, 2024 9:48 am

There's a lot of unsolved speculation, as long as you keep that in mind, it's a thrilling story to unravel. To me, at very least. I like a good plot that ties together nicely at the end. I hope we get to uncover more about Emi. Hopefully (crossing my fingers) we don't encounter a common slew of misunderstandings in the process or loss of unique character personality traits along the way. So far, so good, in my opinion.

Praying for a nice, happy ending! Emi deserves a break after remaining dedicated and slaving away to create her manhawa!! Justice for all the hardworking authors and artists out there!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    banannogram May 6, 2024 6:58 am

    Updated opinions — I can definitely see how some may lose their way as the plot progresses. As it updates, I like to think it resembles that of an uncompleted puzzle. One that as you delve further into its context you slowly uncover and reveal the identity behind its missing pieces for the broader, complete final picture. It's understandable it'd inevitably become frustrating or confusing without every detail intact.

    However, branching off from my previous statement, it remains a constant means of excitement, if only soley to see where things lead for Emi. Personally, as I read this, though this may not be the same for everyone who's reading necessarily, I enjoy this webtoon and the elements it portrays quite a deal, currently. It's like playing a role as a key detective in a way. Unveiling secret intentions, uniquely placed symbolism, connecting the dots left for readers. It's not so far removed that you'd be unable to do as such. So I consider it a slightly thrilling adventure.

    The current conclusion I'm being drawn to, with the aid of another user's theory I picked out while surfing through the comments (thank you for putting it into words btw,) is that Emi is the orginal Amy. This theory only becoming further pronounced when factoring in details that have unfolded in most recent chapters. Which describe her experiences, absence of memory and lack of belonging winding up in another world unfamiliar with her surroundings. Taking place in China, combating any previous implications her upbringing unfolded as it stereotypically would have, as we were lead to believe in the beginning chapters.

    I believe the representation shown by the "other" or "orginal" Amy, serves as current Emi's guide of sorts. The "other" (more than likely the person Emi was prior to having been displaced,) Emi we see may serve as a reminder or trigger to reawaken current Emi's memory and until then acts as her varying forms of protection.

    That being said, it remains to be seen that this is the case and plot destination for Emi. Nevertheless, however the pages unravel themselves I will still endlessly be hoping for a joyful and content conclusion for all characters alike contained in this peculiar assortment of tragedies and nine stages of grief repackaged as this webtoon. Authors and readers alike know the pain caused by angst. Please don't make me spread tears on my pearly white pillow, I don't want to experience another sad ending. please, I beg ╥﹏╥

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