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Hum-hummus's feed

Hum-hummus like question

Yo, has anyone else had a weird interaction with a user called imgayandinknowit?
Because they're like all over a bunch of yaoi comment sections either preaching anti straight propaganda, getting angry at bisexual male characters having 'straight' sex and talking about STDs in a fictional story since fictional characters can't get STDs and it's funner without the condom???

And that's like the very tip of the iceberg, I'm honestly too scared to read the rest of their topic.

Not to mention they say they're into women and heavily against bl fetishizes but litteraly the only thing they comment on is yaoi so like what's going on there?

I know mangago is full of weirdos, (I'm sure no one's forgotten that one grape guy) but I didn't think I'd have the misfortune of interacting with them.

If they somehow see this, I'm sorry and pls don't kill me.