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Milmang's feed

'' Yang Eunsong took Kang Jihyuk from me ''.... Oh puh-lease stop deluding yourself , no one took anything from you , and it's not like Jihyuk's some toy that anyone could take! You just LOST HIM , be a real man and admit that truth to yourself , stop hiding behind those petty pathetic childish excuses of yours ... If you LOST~ something (or in this case SOMEONE~) it just means that YOU didn't actually care that much about taking care and protecting it ... You're such a pathetic person, so immature that it makes me feel nauseous...
And I'm not saying that the omega is any better , but at least he's mature enough to know that he better lure someone with sweetness, at least better that a raper childish oblivious pathetic insensitive arrogant bastard....

*Pheeew~* never new a fictional character would make me this frustrated ( ̄∇ ̄")