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Seeing the evolution of jujucats name cards is

Zombiegirl created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

I better see this blond bitch six feet underground

Zombiegirl created a topic of Jinx

I wanna see him beg next season

Zombiegirl created a topic of My Hyung-nim

This had the chance to be good yk maybe not completely original cause The whole “I pick you up and you see me more than a guardian” is overused in many stories but it could have been decent in regards to a psychological story yet it wasn’t really good obviously. I mean I get you can’t have a full story in three chapters but anyway I don’t know where I’m going with this other than to say jt was boring

Zombiegirl created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

My question at this point of the story isssssss are they gonna have a happy ending

I cannot undermine the fact that this hoe says he can be I love with two people yet whenever we get to hear his thoughts he just wanna be with the wife like no exaggeration he legit only thinks of her she should just leave and get a new life and so should the husband for the lords sake

Zombiegirl created a topic of Thirst
Zombiegirl created a topic of CUFFED!

Art style reminds me of something ( ̄へ ̄)

I fw these types of characters fr ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Zombiegirl created a topic of Lucky Paradise

It’s like them but girl version

Author was waiting to put that title at the end it finished I’m so sad but satisfied

Zombiegirl created a topic of Sentimental Darling

Damn gotta hope to have someone this in love with me even after 5 years

Zombiegirl created a topic of For Your Love

That is an unnatural size and looks like a horse dick lmaooooo also can’t wait for more drama

Zombiegirl created a topic of Jinx

this wasn’t exactly how I envisioned the chase arc to go but alright

Zombiegirl created a topic of Thirst