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Witchery January 4, 2024 1:36 am

It sucks, but when you reincarnate, you have to apologize for your new body’s previous actions. MC suddenly going from a miserly perv to nice and caring makes no sense. Anyone would be suspicious. He should have started with a sincere apology if he wants to get anywhere. It’s not rocket science.

Witchery December 31, 2023 9:30 am

Garam: I hate this really toxic, disrespectful behavior you keep doing and I want you to stop and start respecting me as a person
Hyuk: so you hate me as a person and deliberately hurt me for fun

Hyuk is such an incredibly self centered person. Garam has done a few antagonistic things, but Hyuk has showed time and time again that he will always prioritize his own whims over Garam’s needs and well being. Even when Garam explicitly tells him about how negative some of his behaviors are, he somehow flips it around in his head that it was a personal attack, because the idea of compromising or accepting that the other person has valid points is completely incomprehensible to him.

Witchery December 29, 2023 5:56 am

I really hate that both guys who claim they love and care for Taein are so focused on having sex with him. They are trying to win him over because they (supposedly) want to win him over, but they ignore his attempts to address serious issues and turn everything into a sexual encounter. Jaebeom knows about his previous sexual trauma and has made dehumanizing comment to him. Both of them know about his low self esteem, psychological vulnerability, and difficulty trusting, but they still only focus on what they want. Neither of them is interested in supporting his independence or growth as a person. I want him to end up free and alone

Witchery December 29, 2023 4:43 am

Woojin literally had the perfect relationship with a man that loves him and randomly decided to play the most obnoxious game of fuck around and find out which led to an incredibly predictable suspicion which led to an obvious misunderstanding and then a meltdown. He better get on his knees to apologize to Ho In for the pointless stress he caused him.

Witchery December 24, 2023 11:53 pm

Kin Heon: acts like a jerk, isn’t affectionate, spends money instead of time on his kid, is overly focused on sex, doesn’t communicate his feelings, and only pursues his self centered interests
Yeon: he must not care about me or our kid because doesn’t like spending time with him/us unless it’s related to stuff he personally needs or wants. Tries to be accommodating anyway while prioritizing the well being of the child
Kin Heon: why doesn’t he understand that I love him? Gets jealous of Yeon’s prioritization of their child instead of him like a man child. Continues to not communicate, pushes the things he wants, and does not attempt to improve their relationship
Yeon and the child: get upset because he doesn’t seem to care about either of them, is not interested in bonding with the child, and primarily uses Yeon for sexual gratification (though mutually consenting)
Kin Heon: I just don’t understand why he’s so upset, it’s so obvious that I love him (has never communicated that emotion or any signs of deeper affection)

Witchery December 16, 2023 6:48 am

This is something that bugs me in a lot of romance fantasy stories. Possessive, jealous, or controlling behavior from a romantic interest gets glamorized for the ml but demonized for anyone else, even if it’s the exact same set of actions. This is usually demonstrated by the fl only getting pissed off when sub male leads do certain things, but forgiving the ml for doing the same. This is also a trope that is used to justify breaking off an established engagement/relationship in favor of a new one. Her fiancée may be possessive without adequately communicating the emotions and intent behind it, but the princes and other male leads have similar mentalities without the justification of being engaged. At least Wagman is acting out of genuine concern for her (this is not a justification for controlling behavior) while the other consistently abuse their power and circumstances to leverage her for their own interests and desires. Kyle is a manipulator holding an important secret as leverage and engages in a very calculated/transactional when “helping” her, the prince has unjustly used his power to harm her and is very self centered in both mentality and action (and literally executed her family in the past life, not that she seems to remember but whatever), but somehow Wagman, who I has consistently tried to help her and only made a few mild social gaffes in terms of communication within their relationship is the only one she gets mad at? It feels like a shallow plot forcer to facilitate a breakup so she could feasibly end up with the prince.

Witchery December 9, 2023 5:24 pm

Not sure if this is a controversial take or not, but I genuinely believe that Yahwi broke Jooin down emotionally to the point that he was no longer capable of believing in or pursuing a relationship with him, Cain, or anyone else for the foreseeable future. Yahwi’s carelessness, callousness, and emotional whiplash deeply hurt (and traumatized?) Jooin to the point where he lost the capacity to trust or believe in relationship and now he is so emotionally drained and distrustful that he even pushed Cain away despite their strong potential for a healthy and loving supportive relationship after Jooin and Yahwi split. I know Yahwi has trauma, but that doesn’t give you a pass to deliberately treat people like shit. All three of them have personal and communication issues, but in my opinion, even though he doesn’t necessarily intend to be, Yahwi is the villain

    GODZILLA December 9, 2023 9:06 pm

    It's not controversial. Many have believed yahwi is the reason Jooin is like how he is now. It's just everytime someone mentions it the comment gets drown out by the repetitive "the story still going/end already" comments, along with people constantly hating Jooin comments

    Witchery December 9, 2023 9:37 pm

    I also really hate the trauma excuse trope. Yahwi has childhood and personal trauma. That doesn’t excuse what he did to Jooin. Jooin approached their relationship at Yahwi’s pushing in good faith, and only got pushed around, ignored, and discounted. Even when they apologize, it’s almost always about their emotions, their feelings of loss, what they want to regain.

    GreenTea December 9, 2023 11:19 pm

    Not controversial, just most of the comments are Cain stans that never go beyond "Jooin hurt Cain >:(."

    I agre with everything tou said honestly, Yawhi really is the villain. Jooin literally needs therapy now or some kind of peace after Yawhi hurt him. Cain circumstances also don't help. As great as he'd be for Jooin, i think he pursued a little to hard and too soon after Yawhi. And the guilt of leaving his family for him isn't gonna kake Jooin feel any better.

    I honestly think the author accidentally created a mentally and emotionally complicated situation out of pursuit of drama that will never have a satisfying or sane end

Witchery November 29, 2023 7:04 am

I love how Tatiana refuses to allow miscommunication. She just puts her foot down and wrings the thoughts out of Kynell

Witchery November 27, 2023 7:11 pm

I love how most of the beast are really vaguely organized other than our Misty Mountain crew, but then we get to Australia and they practically have a militia set up

Witchery November 21, 2023 9:51 pm

I really liked the depth of this story. There was definitely room to explore the characters and their situations more. Minwook is controlling and abusive, but he believes he is showing love and protecting the mc. Of course, he is very wrong. He ultimately decides to let him go to Seungjo, still treating more as a possession to hand off than an independent person. I felt that the story did a good job of explaining Minwook’s motivations without automatically excusing them or redeeming him at the end. A lot of the time abuse is explained away because they “meant well” or “thought they had to”. It feels like a more realistic depiction than the standard 100% evil and 24/7 violent character.

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