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Lin River July 17, 2021 12:55 pm

Wow. Did no one else noticed that Shen Yu have all his fingers, when one should to be missing?

    Slatte July 17, 2021 2:20 pm

    Wdym one should be missing? I think I didn't read the manhua completely >_<

    I only care about the bottoms July 17, 2021 5:51 pm

    He just lost the tip of his pinky (the part with his nail to the first knuckle)

    Daddyzawa July 17, 2021 5:53 pm

    I had to go back to check but you're right all his fingers are there now. It's the work of magic (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Lin River July 17, 2021 6:45 pm
    He just lost the tip of his pinky (the part with his nail to the first knuckle) I only care about the bottoms

    It is still a mistake to draw his finger whole. Also I am pretty sure it was more than the the first knuckle, if you check ch 61, where we see the box with his finger, it is surely drawn more than the tip. And in ch 65 we have his hand with all 5 fingers completely whole. If it wasn't the bandage on his hand, we can say it was his mother's finger, but we all know, he wouldn't cut her finger.

    Lin River July 17, 2021 6:47 pm
    Wdym one should be missing? I think I didn't read the manhua completely >_< Slatte

    Ch 61 we see his finger cut off, ch 65 it is whole

    Lin River July 17, 2021 6:47 pm
    I had to go back to check but you're right all his fingers are there now. It's the work of magic (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Daddyzawa


    Lin River July 17, 2021 6:49 pm

    I am pretty sure in the historical era they are they still can't put back together body parts

    Daddyzawa July 17, 2021 6:59 pm
    I am pretty sure in the historical era they are they still can't put back together body parts Lin River

    Maybe part of his family that is regenerative body parts? idk pretty sure it was just a mistake

    Creamy Frappe July 17, 2021 7:28 pm

    Yu had an extra finger if i'm not mistaken.

    Creamy Frappe July 17, 2021 7:30 pm
    Yu had an extra finger if i'm not mistaken. Creamy Frappe

    it acts as the key and only their clan knew about it so other people can't find the "key" to the stuffs or treasure. when shen yu gave the lord, his finger, it was explained there I guess

    Lin River July 17, 2021 10:01 pm
    Yu had an extra finger if i'm not mistaken. Creamy Frappe

    No, unless the author had forgotten to draw it. His pinkie was bended to signify his clan, but he has always been with 10 fingers.

    Lin River July 17, 2021 10:16 pm

    I hadn't read the novel, I don't want to read it, before it is completed in English, but I was really impressed with ch 61 of the manhua. It is rare character like Shen Yu to actually go with their plan and even cut their own finger. That is why I noticed that he have them all now, his hands have big part of the story line, it is easy to follow them.
    And that is what is making me slightly upset with the author. Such a thing shouldn't be forgotten, because even if it is not anymore part of the plot it is still a big part of the character and this is the main character we are talking about. And this repeats for a few chapters and will repeat in the chapters after.
    I am not just being b*tch, but it is sad that the author doesn't care to remember the cut finger, when it literally happened few chapters ago. For me this is a big part of the character, this is not a bruise or a cut missing in a far away positioned pannel or even missing eyes to make the drawing process faster. After all it is easier to draw one finger less than more.

Lin River July 4, 2021 11:33 am

I will sound rude, but I can't help but feel SAD by you dropping "Struggle". "Black Lotus" is famous, many people will take it, but the case is not the same with "Struggle". I am LOVE "Struggle" so much it is painful.

PS Good luck and thank you for everything.

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