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Giemi May 30, 2024 1:41 pm

This novel is confusing. It's like it can't decide whether it wants to be a dark/toxic story which is just depressing and insanity inducing or a redemption/healing trauma one which is also depressing but with warm soup, like bruh.

    Oymi May 31, 2024 6:58 am

    Never felt more called out before

Giemi May 29, 2024 7:09 pm


He ends up with Hyunjae, that psycho. He's the worst psycho top I've ever seen in this platform and I've seen a lot okay? This guy is the worst because there's ABSOLUTELY no remorse.

Other tops will protect their bottom from others but this guy? This guy IS the malice mc should be protected from. This guy harms MC with no regard to his feelings, like it's just another day of washing the dishes to make it clean type of shit. He let fuckers rape him so mc get used to bottoming, he use drugs on mc even when mc told him he wanted help to get clean. He doesn't even feel bad or regret getting mc gang raped, nay. He has no problem even if mc stays a druggie with no job forever because then mc can rely only on him. Like, bro this...just no...

And that ending too in the side stories. Tf you getting all smug about asshole. You weren't doing mc lackey a favor by bringing mc to his GRAVE. like, bro.....

Mc got mindbreak and imo he don't really love hyunjae, he was just so broken and hyunjae was the only one left when his gang were obliterated so he clung to him since he's the only one he knows in that hostile environment. Everyone treats him like shit that mc ended up just choosing the shit that have the nicest face that gives him a sense of familiarity (which gives mc a sense of belonging).

People, people, please avoid this crap at all costs to save your sanity

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