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TheShitGiggler created a topic of Jinx

We better be about to find out that Joo had a fucked up childhood or sumn and feels bad about how men’s he is but doesn’t know how else to act

TheShitGiggler created a topic of Again

This being set in 2015 (that’s when America legalized same sex marriage and he said it was a recent change) wasn’t a bit of context I was expecting

TheShitGiggler created a topic of Love Gym

Do you perchance have anyone who could look this over and clean it up? The words are…. Choppy

It was entirely familial love and wasn’t romantic at all, that’s what I need to tell myself if I’m going to sleep at night because WOW.

So…. When you gonna stop having your signature photo be a vaguely sexual interaction between a 15 and 21 year old?