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I wouldn't exactly care to hear about my partner's past lovers or feel bad about not knowing. it's a different thing on if they're being secretive about it though cause honestly what's there to hide??

anyways they shld talk properly. bruh communication wld fix half these fickle issues instead of these insensitive ass insults

nyxxi created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

is there anywhere the uncensoreds get posted before I kill myself

nyxxi created a topic of Nomi×Shiba

and you're telling me they got sexually involved?? what the hell

nyxxi created a topic of Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be

sobbing my fucking eyes out or whatever

nyxxi created a topic of For Your Love
nyxxi created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One


I'm so in loveeeeee with them both.. with them together... I'm so happyyyyy

how in the world could this be accused of being MTL what's wrong with yall

nyxxi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

haha this is about to get so bad but god am I gonna love every second of it

nyxxi created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

ohhhh this is the author of help me teacher.. no wonder the smut fire

nyxxi created a topic of Lucky Paradise
nyxxi created a topic of Cupid in the Rainbow Trap

pissing me off what's with this recurring habit of pink haired mfs pissing me the hell off

nyxxi created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

I think more than anything, what he needs to tackle is boundaries in the bedroom. To understand that he can explore and lean into the things that excite him while also enacting safety precautions so that they can both enjoy it. There doesn't have to be any extreme solutions on either end, just moderation. That might also help with his trauma responses as well.

Yeah, honestly. He is hiding behind his vows to Jennie. He's saying what he's doing is out of hate for the guy but it really doesn't hold up. Throwing away years of your life on revenge with motives that flimsy? Immensely unlikely. Doing so because you're in love? Well, love makes people do stupid things.

nyxxi created a topic of Happy of the End


nyxxi created a topic of Gig of the Day

got kicked right the fuck out I'm cryin

nyxxi created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri