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kyu like the answer
yk its bad when u put down ur device and start running a marathon around the house
kyu like the answer
Sometimes the second hand embarrassment is so crazy, i have to take a long break from it like n take walks and consider why i even read it in the first place, and even consider dropping it until i get the strength to continue reading it
kyu like the answer
I once read something so cringe I immediately jumped off mangago to doomscroll my memory away for two days. Got jumped when I opened my browser again like a fucking war flashback.
kyu like the answer
this doesn’t look like me but he’s giving me very much sebastian michaelis I can take your wife or husband vibes
kyu like the answer
my periods feel like a fucking parasite is eating me from the inside, i can feel literally every single nerve in my body , whenever i see my period tracker app send me a notification saying “your period is soon” i start to fucking train and prepare myself like im about to head to war