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owuawo created a topic of Nerd Project


owuawo created a topic of Demon's Wish

Im fine with her having jae so i can have doya to myself

owuawo created a topic of My Cocky Neighbor

Yall forgetting about the fact she didnt think of it as a date but to apologize to the guy fking creepy to be standing out in her house bro

owuawo created a topic of Yours to Claim

I was always team yawhi but then for some reason it feels like the story wouldve been better if jooin chose cain

owuawo created a topic of Jinx

God it was so hard to read that chapter, my heart needed breaks jesus

owuawo created a topic of Demon's Wish

Finally a man i can daydream to, classes are boring asf

owuawo created a topic of Yours to Claim

Maybe its because of the odd translations but i barely could understand what they were talking about, plus the whole sad moment chapter feels so forced ? And it was soooo dragging like this whole sob story seperation arc between jooin and cain felt like they kept repeating what they already said but paraphrased

TOOOO BEEE HER!! (Well avoiding getting killed is uh the not so amusing part tho)

owuawo created a topic of Where the Heart Is

Like wat he said, she has a knack for killing the mood its such a turn off omg, if i had a dick, id go limp

owuawo created a topic of Jinx

I really dont care about the abuse sht, well i do care but its part of the plot, it will pass (i wont hate the author for it lmao) but this ch could be damage control from all the hate HAHA or part of the plot

owuawo created a topic of Dahae Dream

I forgot which chapter but it showed us of dahae using the ball for the first time on a “classmate” and the classmate asked her the next day if she controlled his dream… IT WAS SUCH A CLIFF HANGER, i wanted to know what comes after that wat the guy did or wat fl did cuz that som embarrasing shit

owuawo created a topic of Yours to Claim

I always thought it would be yawhi that would be endgame but now, it could deadass be No one he js ends up alone

owuawo created a topic of Yours to Claim


I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! So good, the story developed so nicely i honestly wouldve been fine as well if jungoh didnt remember, the story wouldve ended nice either way… the line “nice dreams that i had by myself” was so fucking bitter sweat AAAAA

owuawo created a topic of Pure Love Operation

its kinda a given that eunhyuk is the endgame and dohwa will get hurt blah blah, can i have him instead? :< istg i fall for him each chapter

owuawo created a topic of Yours to Claim

You might hate me but im team yawhi ngl

owuawo already read


  • Author: White april
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature / Drama