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acamara3 created a topic of I Don't Want to Work!

Sorry dude, but I can only see you as that little child that she raised (despite the spoilers), I rather prefer to ship her with her dragon friend or any other person that she did not raise

acamara3 created a topic of Night of London

Han Yoojin and Sung Hyunjae look a likes

LMAO at this point I'm convinced that romance novel writers have something against sisters having good relationships

acamara3 created a topic of A Child Who Looks Like Me

Come on man, don't turn the fact that she confided in you about her father against her

acamara3 created a topic of In the Doghouse

Is that a crossdresser?

Now please bring Black Haze back. I need to know how it ends!! ╥﹏╥

acamara3 created a topic of In the Doghouse

The butler definitely knew it was something weird, look at how he clacked the door

acamara3 created a topic of Acting Genius, TOP Idol!

Must be the era of idol stories

acamara3 created a topic of Tower of God

So our favourite Trio is down, this group chat is really annoying (guess they'll be carrying the Revolution not FUG), another Prince of the Red Light District, Dumas I hope Baam devores your heart ヽ(`Д´)ノ

acamara3 add manga to list manga 2

From elves, fairies, slimes, gift items, devils and more, countless and thousands of reincarnations ...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Fantasy
acamara3 created a topic of Tower of God

Wow she has an awful lot of faith in her decolté

It's never a good idea to leave the original MC and the new MC alone

acamara3 created a topic of One Piece


I expect her return in 10 chapters at least

acamara3 created a topic of Finding Camellia

THE BASTARD!!! (My honest first reaction)

acamara3 created a topic of Finding Camellia

To think her trying to kill Camellia isn't even the craziest thing she has done so far...