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So that's just it? ¯_( ° ʖ °)_/¯ You'll go to Rose because Anna didn't want you, but now that she's said that she wants you, you'll go to her? What pettiness! (and horniness) And c'mon Anna, you deserve better, girl!!!

I love the look of Taesung when he's jealous haha, just hoping that his jealousy won't be too much (´ . . . `). I also don't know why the others complain about the art, but for me it's good, well we all have each other's preferences. Anyways, I'll marinate this one for now.

TikTok fooled me ರ_ರ. I thought this would be a cute story with a crybaby top, but it's not. The MC easily forgives the ML for EVERYTHING he does, and the ML doesn't even have any chasing arc, etc. He makes a mistake, he is forgiven, IMMEDIATELY! Additionally, the seggs isn't even giving! I stayed for the art, as I will admit that it's good.

Among the relationships that were shown here, I think mine would forever be like Aeyi (I'm not sure on the spelling, I forgot) I would just be pet lover forever and would just date my 9 cats!

And that's how you handle red flags who's actually head over heels to you. This is the advantage of knowing how to use ur card haha

Whatadamnwasteoflooks! created a topic of Backlight

huehuehue(◡ ω ◡)

Whatadamnwasteoflooks! created a topic of Sketch

I finally found a submissive top. I knew it wasn't only the bottoms who can cry during a boombayah, tops can too

Whatadamnwasteoflooks! created a topic of Outburst

Damn, it's kinda disappointing! I mean where's the chasing arc? Srly? It has the potential but the rushed ending just ruined it. I only stayed for the meme, haisstt!

Whatadamnwasteoflooks! created a topic of Jinx

Here I am, getting so hyped up on this one, only to find out that it's been a month since the update

Whatadamnwasteoflooks! created a topic of Jinx

Please more special chapters to go. Let's just forget 'bout jekjek and dan, just kidding! I can't wait for the chasing arc, tho I'm still waiting for jekjek's backstory