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manga(53) 2018-04-29 0

GeneralTaterTots's topics ( All 8 )

GeneralTaterTots July 28, 2020 6:49 pm

Anyone knows who the girl and the guy from the top of chapter 10 are? And from where they are from.

GeneralTaterTots May 30, 2020 11:12 am

I may be reading into it, but in the page from the prologue where there's a person laying down whose face we can't see, the person is wearing earrings. The same earrings worn only by Qu Jianglin - the girl a musical instrument. Also, lying on the bed next to her is the golden hair pin with flowers we see her wearing. Also, you can faintly see the ornaments on her hair - the black flowers - in the corner. Now clearly, the person lying down has to be Qu Jianglin, but what about the person standing? I personally think it may be Xie Qingshuang, or another girl because as we have seen in Jianglin's case, her boobs aren't really there even if in the photo where she is presented, they are rather big. So, even if we can't see any boobs on the person standing, it could still be girl right? More so as she/he is covering their chest, a thing usually done by the female gender. But I might just be reading into it. Anyway, if someone has read the raws can you tell if I'm accurate in my deduction?

    nandemonaiya June 27, 2020 1:52 pm

    yup! the author published the full pic on weibo, it's the girls

    GeneralTaterTots June 27, 2020 3:02 pm
    yup! the author published the full pic on weibo, it's the girls nandemonaiya

    oh, i can't wait! Thanks!

GeneralTaterTots's questions ( All 3 )

GeneralTaterTots May 23, 2021 10:23 pm

Does anyone know any manga/webtoon/manhua or anything with an actually evil female protagonist?

GeneralTaterTots May 1, 2021 8:36 pm

Can anyone recommend me one that is teacher x student, but have it be after the student graduated.

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