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jeffynE created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

This is such a gem that need a lot of rereading. You might not understand during your first read but the more you reread the better it becomes. Also very much my cup of tea. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

jeffynE created a topic of Gig of the Day

It's time to learn the language of the colonizers (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

jeffynE created a topic of 2020

Seriously if you're not going to upload don't put any chapter. damn. Fuck off then.

jeffynE created a topic of Lucky Paradise
jeffynE created a topic of Savage Forest

I'ma marinate this for a month or so....

jeffynE created a topic of Omega Bus Stop

I thought ch20 would be a continuation of ch19's story....

jeffynE created a topic of Who is a sweet cheater?

CAN WE MOVE ON WITH THE SMUT??? like damn every chapter at this point even the demons in my room are over it.

jeffynE created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I hear a lot of SMACKING in the distance