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This series is like a random thought (perverted thought?) the author had out of nowhere and decided to illustriate has like 3 or 4 of random story.

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The handsome and strapping Prince Rix Vanus has returned to his homeland after winning a brutal war ...

  • Author: Chanseong
  • Genres: Smut / Yaoi / Fantasy / Webtoons

Does anyone have any idea when will s2 start

I just felt thw 5 stages of grief. But im still hoping for a happy ending.

Reading while listening to love sick girl.

Hes so jelous that he fell ill, i think i read a similar manhwa but i forgot the title where the mc's type is fragile looking man and the ml is a bulking looking dude i forgot about it im thinking the third ending but im not so sure.

"Is this happiness look like?"
No sir absolutely not.... not to me tho

Its almost been a year since i started reading this, i must say that this is a masterpiece but i know that not every one agreed but damn this shock me to the core, shin yuri's art style really suit this story but i just wanted to add that choa was not the authors favorite and also the ending is so unpredictable its far from what im guessing. Well i love this and cherished this story till i die but not going to reread this tho

And_They_Were_Roommates created a topic of Night Maze

My goodness that was an awesome read.

This just cured my bad day so thank you so much for uploading. One chapter a day keep the rope a way indeed.

The art is soo good. I just feel like im drunk while reading tho haha not until i read the comment maybe we'll ynderstqnd as tge atort go.

I just found this im searching for manhwa to pass the time but i stable up gold damn why does no one ever recommend me this manhwa.

And_They_Were_Roommates created a topic of Macguffin

I've been waiting for this to be tranlated and so thank full to finally read it. The story is sad but so good at the same time i just wish for them to havea happy ending together with their son.

And_They_Were_Roommates created a topic of Struggle

I'm kinda glad i pick this up after droping it, its good but i feel like some part needs more elqboration still good read. Also muchan's character have so much potential i just wish that author-nim wont waste such good character.