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Sassykillua created a topic of I Ship My Rival x Me

Omg what a pleasant surprise. I thought it already finished

I don't know whether to lough or cry

Sassykillua created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Man this is getting boring. Always the same fucking things about hestia having no future and diana being delusional.

Sassykillua created a topic of I Ship My Rival x Me


Sassykillua created a topic of I Ship My Rival x Me

You guys~ go on. I love what is happening

Sassykillua created a topic of I Ship My Rival x Me

Ahhhhh how am i gonna keep living now

Yk the stpry kinda stopped progressing. Like vivi is stuck being just a cutie,ahin as a lovelorn amd other simp for vivi.

That antagonistic couple REALLY suit eachother ngl

Sassykillua created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

Mf went ahead and changed everything without even telling A. Okay,I'll leave behind those pseudo incest thingy cuz you're not related at all. But atleast try to be a decent human and decent lover. Is this how you're supposed to handle your relationship and communication?! Are you fucking with me rn?!

Sassykillua created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Finally some progress..