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Arrest and/or kill the prince and his father. They need to go

SomethingAboutReading created a topic of Thirst

(I tried to make the gif )

I have a feeling they'll be adopting Clarisse. I just want them to be a happy family together

That dude can rot. How dare you try to get rid of her baby

Girl, Licht would combust (in more ways than one) if you kiss him....

Do it(▰˘◡˘▰)

I mean he's not wrong. She's not your fiancee anymore but she ain't yours either mister. Y'all are both no good for her.( ̄へ ̄)

I feel Noah is/will truly love her for who she is. So them other two can scram! Lol

She's wrangling them in lol. I'm glad she's creating an art academy accessible for those who are not nobles.

Something tells me he's going to find out and blackmail homegirl for money (or some sort of gain)...he seems shady enough to do that.

If love is like theirs, then I want it. But if it's not, you can keep it

I have a feeling the butler and/or granny (lady in waiting) will adopt her or atleast I hope so! Also, I think Loretta is alot smarter than she plays on to be. Like of course she's adorable but I think she knows she can use her cuteness to persuade people.

She a go getter. What she wants, she gets. Iktr!

It's quite crazy how much she changed the past but things still happened. However, I'm glad it ended with a happy ending.

I didn't see Avid (the mercenary with the scar) after the fight. I wonder what happened with him? Also, I know the white haired seoh returned to the demon realm but does he still stay in contact with Riley?

SomethingAboutReading created a topic of Thirst

Nah Ethan, trust yo gut! He's up to no good