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ren created a topic of The Greek's Forced Bride

I just find it a bit iffy that ML had an ex-wife.... but in the end it was okay. It looks like the daughter is the eldest and 2 twin boys.

that was like, what the fracking hell was ML doing ..... FL was dragged out of the house by other people and she was pregnant , too, and he knew it....that was extremely unforgivable in my book, so beyond pale. She therefore shouldn't have gotten back together with him..... and I fracking believe that to the very core of my being

they are sleeping in bed ??? Girl, leave. And let jerk stew.

ren created a topic of When Jayne Met Erik

Except the fact that he's always admitting to himself how he has slept with many women.

ren created a topic of Lover by Deception

Both characters look like grandparents... and the plotline... ugh what the heck are they talking about?

ren created a topic of Do You Take This Child

No problems at all, except for that little stupid drama about lying which made her think of leaving, and I was like, seriously ???

ren created a topic of Claiming My Hidden Son

A bit on the boring side, except the cancer scare, which I found really scary because it was the cause of some of my loved ones' death.

ren created a topic of Bought for the Marriage Bed

But ML was a jerk for deciding immediately to divorce her without listening to her explanation. FL should have gone ahead and divorced him and tell him , Eff you " !

Besides, if FL didn't get pregnant, I don't think they'd ever get together..... and that would have been a better outcome . What ML did to FL was despicable. If I were the FL , Id suckerpunch him first before saying goodbye forever, and good riddance, you a**hole. Forgiving him so easily is so aggravating.

ren created a topic of Marriage on the Rebound

Good ML. Harlequin writers do not have to spew out MLs that indulge in douchbaggery to make a juicy story. This ML is an example of a good ML and at the same time , gives off that exciting vibes.

ren created a topic of Illicit Night with the Greek

He didn't bother hiding his opinion and hurled insults at FL. However, FL was also wrong for letting these bad impressions of her to fester on everyone's mind..... to be honest, she did poorly with her choices, drinking partying, etc. so her bad reputation was her fault. Too bad.

ren created a topic of Baby in a Million

And nothing? She was even able to cash out on the house and shares from the company. What the frack! ML is suspiciously lax on his stepmother. Dude, your stepmother tried to kill your wife and baby. Maybe , you really had slept with her during the 8 mos, you were separated.

ren created a topic of The English Doctor’s Baby

Stories where the ML is accused of being the father, and the ML would deny that he wasn't the father of the child. Why couldn't the ML just say I can't be the father because I NEVER SLEPT with you ! But no, ML would just say he's not the father and that's that. People are expected to believe that. In the first place , why would any woman accuse a man of being the father if he didn't sleep with her at one point ?

ren created a topic of A Very Public Affair

A cheating married man.

ren created a topic of The Stefanos Marriage

I hated her from get go, until she confessed her feelings tyo the ML. The ML was so patient, just taking her bitchiness so patiently .

ren created a topic of THE BABY DUE DATE

And definitely, he will be the most loving father , ever.

But at least Alfred slowly recovered and hopefully he will find another Giselle .

ren created a topic of Picture Of Innocence

Spoke ill of a dead person who was a kindhearted and innocent one when he was alive and took revenge on another, the sister and FL who had nothing to do with ML's brother's death.

You invited your exes to your honeymoon. You're an a**hole.