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Roses created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Honestly I hope his family where horrible pieces of shits that did something bad to the Lord so they low-key deserved to die. If not the best ending logically is for the uke to kill the Lord, run away/be freed and start a new life, or commit suicide. It'd be a icky or an immoral ending if his family were good people and he ends up with the Lord and they live happily ever after. Another ending I would accept is for the Lord to almost die and lose everything, genuinely become a good person and then they could slowly fall in love or something. Idk he has just done so much damage to the uke that if he doesn't suffer any type of revenge, karma, and redemption and just gets to live happily ever after with the uke it would feel incomplete and make no logical/emotional sense y'know? It'd be a complete Stockholm situation with no real development, which would be fine but I feel like the author would try to pass it as, "oh they just fell in love and he forgave him, it's not phycological or unhealthy!" I can also see them both dying in the end because of their sodomy sins