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Roses created a topic of Waterside Night

What's this about a baby? I hope he isn't pregnant he'll probably have a miscarriage fr. And if he is and he does have a child I feel like he will run away first and the alpha will go chase after him or they reunite after 5 years like other mangas lol alpha is doing pretty good so far realizing his feelings and wrongdoings, I really hope he doesn't flip out and do something bad because the uke frustrates him or something, if he does I'll probably drop this ngl. I'm praying he just takes it slow, takes proper accountability and responsibility, care for the uke gently, and continuously and meaningful apologizes and treats the uke kindly regardless of whether the uke is harsh on him because he has every right to be harsh I feel so bad for our baby and I hope they get the little one back without any problems unlikely but we can hope

Roses asked a question

I was reading a different bl just now when I remembered one part of another bl I really liked but I can't remember the title or the rest of it. There's one scene I remember well, it was the morning after and the uke was kinda embarrassed and freaking out about what the seme might think about the night before. The seme wakes up and the uke panics a bit rambling about something, the seme sat up and has a really sour look on his face and asked if he could shower first, the uke thought he was angry at him and told him to go ahead, a minute later the seme came rushing out panicked and explaining how he's not angry just a bad morning person and he was really sorry, then the uke felt relieved. If anyone knows which one this could be please let me know I know it's not a lot to go off of thanks in advance

When I saw the comments about it being abusive I was wary but curious so I read on. and honestly it's not even that bad imo, Sasaki is literally a stalker that won't leave this dude alone, so Shiina used violence as his last resort and Sasaki literally does not gaf, infact likes that he's getting attention. Sasaki is not innocent in this and if I was in Shiina's position I'd prolly do the same (but as I'm a woman I'd actually just report it to the police or school if it actually bothered me). It's not a situation where the seme is beating the uke into submission or making the uke feel worthless so he will only rely on the seme or something it's basically self defense at this point lol. t's comedic and not that serious. In real life, of course, if you have a stalker that won't leave you alone you should report it but this is fiction it's not real. If Shiina continues to be abusive if or when they get together then it's a problem, unless it's like a dom/sub consensual thing. Y'know what I mean? If your sensitive to abuse then just don't read it, it's that simple.

Roses created a topic of Jinx

I keep coming back here because I want it to be good since I love BJ Alex so much but god damn seme's one of the biggest assholes I've seen on this app and I've seen plenty. At this point doesn't even matter if he falls in love and has a personality switch this is just hard to read. Let me know if seme gets some actual karma and realizes how much of a piece of shit he was and the uke leaves his sorry ass. Probably won't work out that way but whatevs.

Roses recommended an album
Roses created a topic of Sweet Heart Trigger

It's fucked but in a good way, explores more complicated toxic areas of relationships without making it unrealistic or stupid. I enjoyed it and I typically stick with fluff lol

Roses created a topic of Bound

I think he might be trying to erase his memories so he can manipulate him or something of the sorts. Regardless looks like he's going to lose his memories, I hope this ends nicely I was really enjoying this :(