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ikarr created a topic of WindBreaker

guys i just came from the anime— i fell in love with kotoha, does she end up getting any more development or is she just the background fem character in this manga? :(

ikarr like topic of Jinx

yeah that’s what you get you bitch ass nigga

ikarr created a topic of Jinx


ikarr created a topic of Wet Sand

does no one have patience to see stories pan out anymore? like let ian live bro— we’re only 40 chaps in, ofc you’re not gonna get the ending you want right away. maybe he ends up with Jo, maybe with TJ but the manhwa is still young compared to the other BL series’s out there. just give the story time to develop before you start bashing it fuck

ikarr followed question about question

Posting this here cause I didn't know where else to, if you don't read gl/are straight you don't have to read this, but I'd appreciate it if you do. Anyways, maybe something y'all might've noticed recently, but a lot of yuris these days have a sort of top/bottom dynamic, where typically one person is the one giving pleasure and the other is recei......

20 02,2024
ikarr like the answer
I ca understand but I don't read most of them I often read gap moe and switch in smut gl https://ww......
ikarr created a topic of The tyrant Falls in love

someone answer me, is this basically Ouran High School Host Club? (im judging from the cover only)

ikarr created a topic of Jungle Juice

does anyone else ship dohwa and junghyung??

ikarr created a topic of Selena

dia isn’t inherently a bad person. i get that in the end she a victim of her father and eisers brother BUT COME ON. she just keeps messing shit up and making trouble for serena for no reason?! like if she could just be in her right mind for one second then i feel like her and Serena could actually get along and be close friends— Serena could even help her with her situation given Serenity’s influence

ikarr like topic of K's secret

Can someone tell me the chapters of long haired guy and his seme