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menwtiddies created a topic of Love in Orbit

sohan's in for a big disappointment and i honestly don't think ill feel sorry for him. seems the only way to wake him up is have him go through it cause well, he said himself that he wants it. but his dad obviously hasn't changed one bit. people don't change like that. the abuse and negligence won't ever go away, he's the one who needs to stand his ground and keep the distance. i mean, the only reason that thing even cared about him is cause he got the jackpot,, how the fuck does sohan still believe that a dad who had even the slightest bit of respect for him would do all the shit his father did?! it just pisses me off, im sure there's people who resonate with this story tho, emotional attachments usually play out like this in real life as well. i just hope he does what's right for him in the end.

menwtiddies created a topic of My Secret Stalker


menwtiddies asked a question

i read a bl some years ago that was basically this guy who had a best friend or roommate, i dont remember, and he literally couldn't see his face cause it was like a white light and he knew he was handsome from what other ppl told him and etc. then the sun faced guy had a crush on him and shit and then they found out that the guy couldn't see his face cause of a curse or something. i seriously can't remember the name istg

menwtiddies created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

"what if it doesn't close back up" LMFAOOOO

menwtiddies created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

brothers can i get a HELL YEAHH

menwtiddies created a topic of May Belongs to Me

this was insane omg they need therapy im also still confused abt how he got his clothes on over the leash but anyways i liked it kinda

menwtiddies created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal


menwtiddies created a topic of Fake Fact Lips

JIA THANK YOU FOR THIS I LOVE YOUR WORK also i love this manga sm, all hail the rivals to lovers trope

menwtiddies created a topic of Take Off (Jui)

imagine you walk into class and find your teacher blushing at some guy with q huge boner in his pants

menwtiddies created a topic of Honey Bear

i just noticed this dude legit had a blindfold under his pillow,,, yeah lets pretend it's a sleep mask

menwtiddies created a topic of Full volume
menwtiddies created a topic of ANTI P.T.


menwtiddies created a topic of Full volume
menwtiddies created a topic of Lady's Parfait Time

yeah this chapter was kinda dumb but at least nothing happened

i swear if she leaves nanao for mai ill get a little pissed asumin make a right choice for once in your life

menwtiddies created a topic of Full volume

sa dowon,,, YOURE JUST LIKE ME

menwtiddies created a topic of Lady's Parfait Time
menwtiddies created a topic of Lady's Parfait Time

ayo the dude kinda went too far there ngl

menwtiddies created a topic of Lady & Maid

she's so real i need them all