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pidge's experience ( All 0 )

pidge's answer ( All 15 )

pog   reply
11 09,2023
PIGEON is Male, has brown curly hair, blue eyes, is 1.66m tall and is manipulative.   reply
01 07,2021
about question
plain.   1 reply
12 06,2021
i pretty much can't stand most of the chinese BL mangas because the characters end up annoying me so damn much. I feel like the shounen ai/slice of life ones are just so much better but when I see some chinese manga with some sort of actual plot im like "yeah nice try i guess..." idk hm but there was that ONE manga that was just ABSURD to the extre......   2 reply
04 06,2021
about lmao
you guys have so much shit wth am i just this plain....???   reply
04 06,2021

pidge's question ( All 1 )

I literally poured out my cereal and checked my fridge only to find out that I ran out of milk. So damn, i had no milk for all the cereal i poured out.
I couldn't put it back in the box because i poured out a variety of cereals into one cup (yes, i enjoy eating cereal in a cup)
Then my brother came out and was like "why not just use hot chocolate"
and idk what was going through my mind then, but all i know is that a sense of euphoria washed over me and was like "you absolute genius!"
And time skip to pouring the HOT chocolate into my cup of cereal....

End result: my cereal became all mushy and thick and now i regret everything and I'm heading off to the toilet....
21 09,2020