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I want women's rage in this one. Don't let him get away with being shitty

I love them so much

Why is it when dating, they still have lots of walls, act super formal with each other, etc? For me, when I come home, I would want to hug my boyfriend and stuff like that.

DragonDarling created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Now I have to wait another week?? I can't they're soooo adorbs

Love love love this so I reread it for the 11000nd time. Just have a few questions/thoughs:
1. Why does Noah keep wanting to bring Raeli off to somewhere?
2. I find this v humorous but sometimes the jokes don't land completely. Like when Noah wanted to kiss Raeli and there was an image of a long cat or some creature with the back bent, etc
So if someone could explain that I would appreciate it!

DragonDarling asked a question

I want mangakas to develop more characters who are super intimate and I don't mean sex all the time, but more of the non sexual intimate moments, like lap pillows, holding fingers, tight hugs, lap sitting, head on the chest type of hugs, kissing the corners of the mouth, sucking on the ear with the earring, nose forehead cheek and nape kisses, etc!

DragonDarling created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I'm so happy! I love them together! Please more lovey dovey moments!


  • Author: Izumi mio
  • Genres: Shoujo / Comedy / Romance

From Lovesick Alley: Enjouji may look like a scary and fierce gyaru on the outside, but she’s a pu...

  • Author: Arihara nao
  • Genres: Shoujo / Comedy / Romance
DragonDarling asked a question

Yaoi recs for seme teasing uke but uke also has surprise attack moments that fluster seme/make him blush? Thank you in advance

DragonDarling created a topic of My introverted boy

I really do love Gyeol!

DragonDarling created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

Please make Shizuma jealous. It's about time. I love him a lot but still.

DragonDarling created a topic of Aporia

By chap 23, I was already sick of it. Uke running after a seme who already said no to dating? Uh-uh

DragonDarling asked a question

Yaoi recs like Mad Dog or Payback where the seme is obsessed with the uke but it still feels okay because the seme has sweet moments and is not too too pushy to the point of being annoying? And the uke has a nice personality that's not grating on the nerves?

There are no stakes! Like the story isn't progressing at all anymore. It's like we're reading side stories. I really thought I'd enjoy this as much as Raeliana...