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EmmanE January 21, 2019 10:46 pm


EmmanE January 20, 2019 6:35 pm

I understand the hatred for disgusting behavior like rape. We were warned about it but why are people still read it and complain of how the story should be done? Warnings exist so u could GO or STAY.


    Mizu Sora January 19, 2019 9:30 pm

    Totally agree. Don't understand why people complain when there is a warning. If you know you are not going to like it, don't read it and complain about it later, makes no sense ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    yaois January 19, 2019 11:48 pm

    for me, personally, i didn’t expect the love interest to rape the main character. i can deal with rape in stories but the fact that the story has the prince basically already forgiving him right after is what [i] don’t like. and it was literally to the point where the guy can’t even move. just because there’s a warning doesn’t mean we can’t express our dislike for it.

    RY@N! January 20, 2019 7:03 am

    It isn't out that is the way r*p is used in this situation that is bothering. Im ok with having r*p in a story but using it romanticise it like this isn't ok

    Akino_Yonaga January 20, 2019 2:13 pm

    You're right. I don't even know why we keep seeing the same comments again and again.

    RY@N! January 20, 2019 2:27 pm

    Because they want to give the manga alot of sex scenes. Especially manga like these, remember that majority of people buying/reading the manga are expecting sex scenes. This manga would be really good even without the sex scenes. The sex scenes are more for the person who like alot of sex scenes. And of course the author wants attract attention from those kind of people because they are the ones who consume this type of mangas. Of course this is just a personal observation and facts might not be right but its from what i think is the reason. And if not then these type of authors are just missed up in the head.

    RY@N! January 20, 2019 2:28 pm

    Like i said I'm not 100% and these are just my personal observation and conversation with other people who like yaoi.

    Cleopatra January 20, 2019 5:08 pm

    it's called critique, you should look it up.
    I don't mind rape in the stories I don't even mind it being romanticized in a story depending on how much you stick to reality with it, but you gotta admit this was pretty dumb lol.

    We have every right to criticize a piece of media or fiction we consume and I'd say that most people doing so are not saying anything absurd.

    EmmanE January 20, 2019 6:23 pm
    it's called critique, you should look it up. I don't mind rape in the stories I don't even mind it being romanticized in a story depending on how much you stick to reality with it, but you gotta admit this was ... Cleopatra

    I feel like the only people who has the right to critique it are the ones who actually PAID for it. We're just reading it for FREE. lol

    EmmanE January 20, 2019 6:30 pm


    Cleopatra January 20, 2019 9:49 pm

    you're welcome.

    I get your argument about us enjoying it for free, but you need to think about why do we act like yaoi manga or manga in general shouldn't take criticism in the same way that mediums like film or literature do. Why do we need to be softer on their relative the graphic novel? Is it their "mentally slow" cousin that we should not upset because he'll never be as big as his siblings? like, gurl.

    I'm not saying everyone here is some big time reviewer, but they've got the right to complain and argue. Honestly, I don't like people that endlessly complain and say the same shit over and over again, especially when it's unreasonable (by my standards lol). But... they have every right to do so! Even if they didn't pay for it!

    Having an opinion is different than writing a review professionally, you know.

    RY@N! January 21, 2019 1:41 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Haruhi4ever

    Thank you! Finally someone with common sense

    RY@N! January 21, 2019 1:46 am

    You really need to know the difference between complains and criticism. Look at it this way i can criticize a song that is a music video without having to buy it. I'm aloud to criticize it. It doesn't matter if it free or not free. Period.

    EmmanE January 21, 2019 8:56 am
    You really need to know the difference between complains and criticism. Look at it this way i can criticize a song that is a music video without having to buy it. I'm aloud to criticize it. It doesn't matter if... RY@N!

    I get you. But all Im saying is some people hating everything about this manga cuz there's Rape on it. Thats a complain, not a critique, am I right? Criticism is an earnest attempt to improve something where complaining is verbalization of negative emotions and dissatisfaction. It was very annoying to see arguments of how they hated it because of that just one scene. It didnt even do anything to the whole manga, it was just cheap stunt to be DRAMATIC. We were warned about rape, but why are people still stayed if they knew they wouldn't like the rape scene? That's all im complaining about. I kinda get what ur saying for free content like music videos, but i feel like its different from a manga. Music videos are created to promote and market the song. But this whole manga on the other hand is scanned and shared for FREE, I look at it as a GIFT, and i feel like it's very rude to question a gift. lol

    EmmanE January 21, 2019 9:04 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Haruhi4ever

    I KNOW. I dont mind people saying anything bad about this manga. All Im complaining is why hate the whole thing just because of that one rape scene. I know, Killing stalking has more than just rape.

    EmmanE January 21, 2019 9:16 am Cleopatra

    It was annoying to see "OMG HE RAPED HIM" or "I DONT LIKE RAPE". I think we all dont like RAPE. But being warned about it, it was our choice to stay or go. If they knew they wouldn't like something traumatic as RAPE, they why would they stay and complain why rape exist in the story? I also feel like yaoi mangas are getting harder critiques than movies, people say it promotes pedophilia, incest, rape and other kinks.

    Cleopatra January 21, 2019 2:45 pm
    It was annoying to see "OMG HE RAPED HIM" or "I DONT LIKE RAPE". I think we all dont like RAPE. But being warned about it, it was our choice to stay or go. If they knew they wouldn't like something traumatic as... EmmanE

    hahahahah yeeeah ok I'm with you in that one. People whose critique is of that sort get on my nerves too. That's just dumb critique where you don't try to see a work as it is, you just go "negative thing exists -> I DONT LIKE IT" People are ignorant of the difference between subject matter and object matter.

    I also can't stand that lol.

    Well at the bottom of it yaoi is kind'a like porn, so if anything we should have more of a leeway on what a story can have, morally-wise. Since when is porn PG-13 and concerned about morals. That's something I find really interesting about yaoi, they are a grey area.

    It's really frustrating I know but this is what we get when the online yaoi community is filled with 12 year olds who dont know how human relationships, fiction, art and... well, sex work. Sometimes I also get really annoyed as well ( ̄∇ ̄")

    I do think though that the rape here was executed really badly, the one-shot was a lot better since the seme beast was less apologetic about the rape and he was consumed with possessiveness, and the whole theme of the story was "betrayal". The rape scene made sense there. Here the mangaka was afraid she cant make a series if he's that unlikable so she kept the rape but then had him be extra nice about it and have the uke be Jesus or something and act like him being raped was all ok with him. WHICH IS FUCKIN WEIRD. I don't even get why you'd keep the rape scene then, I mean it's not even hot anymore. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    RY@N! January 21, 2019 2:50 pm
    I get you. But all Im saying is some people hating everything about this manga cuz there's Rape on it. Thats a complain, not a critique, am I right? Criticism is an earnest attempt to improve something where co... EmmanE

    Ok i now get what you mean. And i do agree in some factors. But even if i get a gift or something bought i still all my right to criticize it. Because I'm a consumer, even with out buying, i can share their work or even buy but if i don't like it for many reasons. what I'm trying to say is that. When i go to manga store and search this manga i have the right to read how it is first and see if i like it. Because i just can't buy a book with out reading what is it about. But remind you that these don't have warning. When you by a book/manga they don't have warning. Same thing with artworks, look at it this way. If i go to a museum full of artwork that are meant to be bought im aloud to criticize. Because that how it works. Again free or not we are aloud to criticize something. And again i do agree some people do complain about the manga been horrible with out any contexts. But some of us are just criticize it. This story is a good story, it has a good plot, its unquie, the artwork not my taste, but still good, some good character but some scene arent meant to be. Especially the r*p scene.

    EmmanE January 21, 2019 3:11 pm
    Ok i now get what you mean. And i do agree in some factors. But even if i get a gift or something bought i still all my right to criticize it. Because I'm a consumer, even with out buying, i can share their wor... RY@N!

    ohhh nice way to point it. i think i get what ur trying to say.

    EmmanE January 21, 2019 3:20 pm
    hahahahah yeeeah ok I'm with you in that one. People whose critique is of that sort get on my nerves too. That's just dumb critique where you don't try to see a work as it is, you just go "negative thing exists... Cleopatra

    i know right! I dont mind it if it actually has an important role in the story. Sometimes I would understand why the rape victim in the manga would crawl back to the rapist but sometimes i actually dont know if the victim secretly enjoyed it or he has something like stockholm syndrome. Have u read this one?

    EmmanE January 21, 2019 3:21 pm
    hahahahah yeeeah ok I'm with you in that one. People whose critique is of that sort get on my nerves too. That's just dumb critique where you don't try to see a work as it is, you just go "negative thing exists... Cleopatra

    i know right! I dont mind it if it actually has an important role in the story. Sometimes I would understand why the rape victim in the manga would crawl back to the rapist but sometimes i actually dont know if the victim secretly enjoyed it or he has something like stockholm syndrome. Have u read this one?

    EmmanE January 21, 2019 3:22 pm
    hahahahah yeeeah ok I'm with you in that one. People whose critique is of that sort get on my nerves too. That's just dumb critique where you don't try to see a work as it is, you just go "negative thing exists... Cleopatra

    i know right! I dont mind it if it actually has an important role in the story. Sometimes I would understand why the rape victim in the manga would crawl back to the rapist but sometimes i actually dont know if the victim secretly enjoyed it or he has something like stockholm syndrome. Have u read this one?

    Cleopatra January 21, 2019 4:12 pm
    i know right! I dont mind it if it actually has an important role in the story. Sometimes I would understand why the rape victim in the manga would crawl back to the rapist but sometimes i actually dont know if... EmmanE

    haah yes I have, that seme is one manipulative rapey jerk.

    Difference is.... it's kind'a hot.......
    Still pretty problematic though. Like, why not just manipulate the uke and seduce him, I don't get why he had to rape him no lube bleeding asshole and everything. Gives me traumatic war flashbacks. TT___TT Semes are never understanding enough when it comes to ukes' assholes.

    It's a typical case of "story starts with rape and manipulation because mangaka finds it hot but then it ends up being a longer series so now we need to make the seme do good things to semi-make up for it but don't actually punish him in the story or call what happened "rape". Hidoku Shinaide is also in this category lol

    Still pretty hot if u ask me, just with bumpy logic. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    RY@N! January 21, 2019 5:52 pm
    i know right! I dont mind it if it actually has an important role in the story. Sometimes I would understand why the rape victim in the manga would crawl back to the rapist but sometimes i actually dont know if... EmmanE

    Ah, yes, to me i think the victims more like in a state of not know what is going on? Like in a abusive relationship as an example. When the victim doesn't know what to do and stays with the abuser. It hard to explain but this is an explain of what I'm trying to say. The person is taking advantage of the victim weakness. Now, it can just be BDSM but in the beginning there was no consent. Of course it was later in the story but in the beginning there was not. But this just my observation

    EmmanE January 21, 2019 10:01 pm
    haah yes I have, that seme is one manipulative rapey jerk.Difference is.... it's kind'a hot.......Still pretty problematic though. Like, why not just manipulate the uke and seduce him, I don't get why he had to... Cleopatra

    i find it hot too. lol

EmmanE January 9, 2019 11:01 pm

I can't omg yesssss kiss him more hahahaha he won't forget lol

EmmanE January 4, 2019 10:46 am

its gonna be the ultimate revenge if that happens.

EmmanE January 2, 2019 11:53 pm

cute, tiger-looking, kitty turned out to be a freaking hottie. WHAT WOULD U DO?

EmmanE December 31, 2018 1:23 am


EmmanE December 27, 2018 7:29 pm

i cant! omg. I want both of them to end up together... huhu

EmmanE December 27, 2018 12:37 am

yes he's hot but ii feel like he's more than a douche.hmmmm

EmmanE December 27, 2018 12:21 am

omg he's drunk! NOW TAKE UR MAN! hahahaha i hope he's gonna do what we all wanted him to do. haha or just me lol

EmmanE December 25, 2018 4:32 pm

Well its by the same author and the 1st chapter sold me already! haha I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

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