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Ansatsusama's feed

Ansatsusama created a topic of Night Fragments

Yoen and Vince meet each other cause the little brother...
They're fall in love.
Thing like that just happen....

Yoen died a very tragic dead I guess... (Suicide)
How much has a person had to go through to get to that?
How much have you had to endure?
How much sadness is capable of breaking a heart and soul into pieces till decide that you simply don't want to live anymore?

Really hard.

Then little Brother died.
(A person oblivious to the misfortune of another, to the harm that others did to Yoen, to those who tore him to pieces)

And meet Vince after he die.
Is too sad...

I wish Vince could have cleared up any misunderstandings with Yoen because in the end Yoen was just a guy with a broken heart.