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Luffy created a topic of Ways of Parting
Luffy created a topic of Backlight
Luffy created a topic of Crucial Point

Hmmm.. i wonder if they will be catching feelings

Luffy created a topic of Thirst

Oh yeah.. i remember previous chapter, Tristan does feel something about wren.. he likes him not as a father figure.. maybe thats why he react like that..

Luffy created a topic of Payback

Im reading it now cause i missed them soo much.. pls we need S3 soo badly..

Luffy created a topic of Jinx
Luffy created a topic of Jinx

Seeee!! What ive been told you people....!! Dont hate jk cause he will definitely falls n love to doc dan..

Luffy created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake
Luffy created a topic of 1 to 10

It's been a month now since the season ends in k. Version.. i hope they will update this fast

Luffy created a topic of Backlight

Well, i think seo-in, intentionally doing it just to make him say that word use him instead..

Luffy created a topic of Unfinished Business
Luffy created a topic of Gig of the Day
Luffy created a topic of Backlight