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Kaleidocat November 19, 2018 6:49 am

I remember (back in the day when Borders bookstore was still around) there was this shoujo manga I picked off the shelf and started reading and kinda liked it. It goes like this:

A girl in high school (can't remember if she had black hair or light hair) is all nice and then she helps this guy (who had black hair) for club activities/work idk. The guy looked scary/intimidating-looking to others but he was actually quiet and a nice guy. She would be the only one helping him out I think since he was a guy who didn't really talk to others or had trouble making friends cause of his scary appearance. I remember distinctly he asks her out one day on the spot and she is blushing and though she doesn't really have romantic interest (yet) in him, she says yes out of intimidation/fear because he's looking at her very intently and she's scared that if she said no, he would get mad and hurt her. But actually, after she says yes, the guy smiles in relief and says something like "phew, I'm glad, I was worried/there was nothing for me to worry about hehe." and she's taken aback by his smile and change in persona cause he never smiles and that response was unexpected. I remember he asked her out of curiosity why she said yes if she doesn't really wanna go out with him, and she says something like 'I had to cause you were so scary looking and I was afraid of saying no'. Hearing this, the guy says something a little somewhat teasing like "i know, I made sure to look like that so you wouldn't be able to refuse me." so basically it was a ploy to get her to say yes xD

I know my description is very vague, but I would be really really REALLY happy if someone were to tell me it. It had been MANY years since I first saw it on the shelf. THANK YOU! (●'◡'●)ノ

Kaleidocat November 16, 2018 8:05 am

I was actually on xvid and decided just for the heck of it, to see if they had yaoi hentai. I had never really read Yarichin Bitch Club, but I only know it for its popularity, so when I saw first ep I was all WHAAAAT?? THEY MADE AN ANIME OF IT??? I'VE GOTTA SEE THIS!!!
I always forget how different it is to watch vs read yaoi. When I'm reading, it's natural for me and I have a straight face, but for some reason watching yaoi makes me blush like crazy and get a lil embarrassed (and that's saying something since it's been forever since I first came to the yaoi world). I guess it's because there's sounds of the characters moaning and grunting lol. I always wonder how the voice actors must feel doing takes of those kinds of sounds xD
Makes me wonder: since I'm a girl, how would it be if I had to do the voice acting for yuri? How would you guys feel if you were told you had to do voice acting for something you wouldn't really feel comfortable with? xD

    MothXLamps November 16, 2018 8:30 am

    Um its no nut novmember fam why you on a hentai site don't go down it's almost over.

    Kaleidocat November 16, 2018 8:36 am

    wat is no nut november? is that like a thing where you abstain from sexual behavior for november? lol. Does it not count if I just watch it without doing anything?

    MothXLamps November 16, 2018 8:42 am
    wat is no nut november? is that like a thing where you abstain from sexual behavior for november? lol. Does it not count if I just watch it without doing anything? Kaleidocat

    No Nut November means you can't touch yourself xD It won't count at all if you just watch xD

    DemFeels November 16, 2018 9:06 am
    No Nut November means you can't touch yourself xD It won't count at all if you just watch xD MothXLamps

    It's no nu November for me everyday :(((

    DemFeels November 16, 2018 9:06 am
    No Nut November means you can't touch yourself xD It won't count at all if you just watch xD MothXLamps

    nut* :((( See I can't even spell it now

    MothXLamps November 16, 2018 9:37 am
    It's no nu November for me everyday :((( DemFeels

    The No Nut Lord lmao

    May you escape then ejaculate v-v

    Kaleidocat November 16, 2018 9:44 am

    xD oh god

Kaleidocat June 12, 2018 3:33 am

You know the ones. The annoying, troll-y, unnecessarily inappropriate people who're a bunch of 11 yr olds who act like they've just discovered the internet for the first time. Like seriously, I'm like trying to get good manga recs from what I ask and these guys come to post a bunch of stuff on the thread that has nothing to do with it, getting my hopes up. In fact, I can guarantee you there's gonna be downvotes and spam here on my post because of course it happens and they can do it. whatever.
Anyway, I just wanted to vent this out. Thanks for listening.

    ur gay son June 12, 2018 3:34 am

    God ikr they're so annoying

    Anonymous June 12, 2018 3:35 am

    Debs, James, Seb and the other kids. They use the homepage as their personal message board. Like stfu already children. Go chat off site. You're free there.

    Rain June 12, 2018 3:35 am

    same thing happened to me. and i never bothered to ask anymore ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Kaleidocat June 12, 2018 3:38 am
    God ikr they're so annoying @ur gay son

    Bruh, you DO realize you're considered one of them? -___-

    ur gay son June 12, 2018 3:43 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! @ur gay son

    no u

    Anonymous June 12, 2018 3:45 am

    I can guarantee you there's gonna be downvotes and spam here on my post because of course it happens and they can do it. whatever.

    That's just you being scared of the downvotes though. You wouldn't mention it and add a whatever of you didn't care.

    etalii June 12, 2018 3:48 am

    Honestly. This site needs moderators.

    Anonymous June 12, 2018 3:54 am
    Honestly. This site needs moderators. etalii

    Says the one who's been participating in the trollfest.

    Anonymous June 12, 2018 3:55 am
    Says the one who's been participating in the trollfest. @Anonymous

    Says the one who claims to feed the "fun" trolls

    etalii June 12, 2018 4:02 am
    Says the one who's been participating in the trollfest. @Anonymous

    Care to elaborate?

    Anonymous June 12, 2018 4:13 am
    Care to elaborate? etalii

    You've been feeding the troll posts left and right with your comments and now you you want moderators? Half your posts would be moderated if that's the case.

    etalii June 12, 2018 4:17 am
    You've been feeding the troll posts left and right with your comments and now you you want moderators? Half your posts would be moderated if that's the case. @Anonymous

    I honestly have no idea what you're referring to, but alright.

    Anonymous June 12, 2018 4:25 am
    I honestly have no idea what you're referring to, but alright. etalii

    Why are you lying bitch? Why were you replying to posts like this?

    etalii June 12, 2018 4:34 am

    Writing "chew first" is now considered feeding trolls? If so, my deepest apologies go out to you and to your delicate feelings. Anything else?

    Anonymous June 12, 2018 4:42 am
    Writing "chew first" is now considered feeding trolls? If so, my deepest apologies go out to you and to your delicate feelings. Anything else? etalii

    Lol, do you think it mattered whether they chewed or sucked. They were being a bunch of idiots and you participated in that too. If you had made that post without logging in, you do realize that would have just been another anon troll?

    etalii June 12, 2018 4:53 am
    Lol, do you think it mattered whether they chewed or sucked. They were being a bunch of idiots and you participated in that too. If you had made that post without logging in, you do realize that would have just... @Anonymous

    Et tu, Brute?

    "troll ... 1. a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post."

    Guilty? In this instance, I think not. You are trying far too hard to pin the blame on me. Later, hater

    Anonymous June 12, 2018 5:30 am
    Et tu, Brute?"troll ... 1. a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post."Guilty? In this instance, I think not. You are trying far too hard to pin the blame on me. Later, hater etalii

    Hey, I'm not trying to lay the entire blame on you.
    A troll could also be someone who replies to shit like that with no useful response other than CHEW FIRST.
    I can see you're just in denial darling.

Kaleidocat June 12, 2018 3:18 am

I mean an actual bully in high school that beats up/taunts/backmails mc uke because he sort of likes him? I would prefer it if uke is shy and the manga/manhua ends cute. I don't want it to have traumatic violence
I hate to be nitpicky, but I already read these:
Thanks guys! (●'◡'●)ノ

Kaleidocat June 11, 2018 8:46 am

If I recall, it's about a sort of cute/adorable guy who is a sort of assistant coach (can't remember is he's in college or high school) to a rugby team of guys, and he has a secret crush on one of the teammates who is a sweet dude who has a lot of muscle. Assistant frequently has fantasies of being embraced by him. Anyway he finds out a secret from the guy: He's into cute girly things like cute puppies/bears/sweets but doesn't want anybody to find out. The assistant finds out but doesn't tell anyone and even offers to help him get cute stuff. Assistant coach buys him a cute stuffed bear (prob to hide his feelings for him) and rugby player is all over the moon about it. However, his bear gets discovered by some of his teammates, but assistant manager backs him up. Somehow by some MIRACULOUS UNEXPECTED twist in the story, the uke is actually the big hulky rugby player and the cute, smaller assistant coach is the seme. Not something you witness in a typical yaoi. It's a oneshot also.
Thanks so much!

Kaleidocat May 7, 2018 10:52 pm

It could be anything. If you were given the opportunity to write a yaoi, what would it be about (plot-wise) and how would it turn out?

For me, I would like to write a manhwa about MC who was bullied mostly solo for no reason by this one guy in his grade (maybe because MC was ma to be gay/had feminine features. The bully would beat him up/humiliate him/ tease him (but nothing sexual, except some hidden tension) and he had something for MC but didn't know what those feelings were. Come middle school graduation, the MC is confronted by bully and bully suddenly does something different. It turns into sensual bullying, and MC is scared.
Before things get intense, MC escapes leaving bully there to wallow in self-hate. That is the last time he sees him. MC studies hard to take an entrance exam to go to a different school instead of the one his bully would go to, (to escape bullying).
Fast forward three years later and he's far away from home and living in dorm and lo and behold-the person attending uni with him AND rooming with him is none other than his bully. His bully sees him, then slowly starts to try to get closer to him. Maybe at one point he blackmails MC?

    Bi_FanboyFudanshi May 7, 2018 11:01 pm

    There are books like that on Wattpad :)
    Also there are also actual books that have been published, take Social Skills By Sarah Alva(Im currently reading it) for example. Except it isn't the same plot you described :P

    Guroro May 7, 2018 11:16 pm

    I'd call it a gay romance, rather than a "yaoi" story.

    And that's about it...

    A magician never reveals his tricks. You'll figure 'em out if you ever find me on Wattpad though.

    lolpop8999 May 7, 2018 11:59 pm

    I would write a yaoi about two men that have to actually work on the relationship. Alot of yaoi nowadays don't have relationships that go through the process that most relationships go through today. It usually starts off with the seme/uke who comes onto the person they like really hard and then they do it and get into a relationship. I would like to see more yaoi like the relationships we have in today's society.

    Kaleidocat May 8, 2018 12:44 am
    There are books like that on Wattpad :)Also there are also actual books that have been published, take Social Skills By Sarah Alva(Im currently reading it) for example. Except it isn't the same plot you describ... Bi_FanboyFudanshi

    True, but I want it like a manhwa. Guaranteed I'm not listing little details in my synopsis, but the main elements. I've seen plots that come close to mine, but they always seem to have something I don't agree on. Yeah, I know Wattpad, but if I incorporate that into manhwa, I'll also include elements that will make it different.

    Blubeagle May 8, 2018 1:14 am

    I would be inclined to write a yaoi story of a man in a wheelchair and the guy who loves and supports him unconditionally.

    Kaleidocat May 8, 2018 1:17 am

    Hey- I have an idea for a manhwa! Maybe not yaoi, but here: A 25-something yr old girl has had trouble in life, never being in a relationship because of her one guilty pleasure: she is a closet fujoshi and has kinks about guys kissing. She goes on misadventures with her friend (who is not a fujoshi, but still accepts her weird ideas). Her mother worries she has no boyfriend seeing as she's the only one of her children who are not in a relationship/maybe married. Then, by chance, she meets a single cute/attractive but timid guy who just transferred to her work section who she finds out, has his own fantasies- he's into yuri (opposite of her fetish for men). He also has issues of having a relationship because he's also a closet (fudanshi?) and doesn't think any girl will accept him. When she finds his kink by accident, he freaks, but she doesn't reveal it to anyone. In fact, she shows him her kinks as well. Both start to become friends, much to the confusion of people around them. I would like it if it was in the timeline style of 19 Days where the timeline is nonlinear and only depicts segments or fragments of their life, until it steadily leads up to climax or end. I would also like to incorporate other characters who ARE gay so it'll be like you're reading shoujo AND yaoi.

    pigglypoof May 8, 2018 1:20 am

    I used to have multiple stories running through my mind when I was younger and more creative. I knew all the beginnings and the endings, but I could never quite figure out what happens in between. Most of my stories were set in fantasy/supernatural worlds with lots of cliched angst and drama. I haven't thought up a new storyline for a long time now, so here's an old one:

    A small clan/tribe lives peacefully within a giant forest, but their livelihood is soon disturbed by the ongoing war between their two neighboring countries. The leader realizes that he cannot allow his people to suffer, so he sends his oldest, Rio, to negotiate with one of the countries (let's call this Country A).
    Country A' s king, Linden, is a gentle soul who was crowned king at a young age. Since he was too young to rule when he was crowned, his regent took over all ruling affairs. Now, his regent and court still hold most of the power in the kingdom, so Linden is basically a puppet king.
    So Rio comes to the palace and in exchange for Country A's protection, he becomes their "hostage". Rio and Linden meet...blah blah blah...happy ending eventually

    Kaleidocat May 8, 2018 4:05 am
    I used to have multiple stories running through my mind when I was younger and more creative. I knew all the beginnings and the endings, but I could never quite figure out what happens in between. Most of my st... pigglypoof

    Hey, I remember reading a yaoi like that or coming across several like that! Can never remember the names tho. I think in one of the stories, I remember the captive uke having long hair and it's seen as a sign of status/power or something but then seme cuts it, which enrages uke. The seme also had long hair if I remember and the story was more comedic instead of serious xD

    pigglypoof May 8, 2018 4:10 am
    Hey, I remember reading a yaoi like that or coming across several like that! Can never remember the names tho. I think in one of the stories, I remember the captive uke having long hair and it's seen as a sign ... Kaleidocat

    You're thinking of this one:

    Kaleidocat May 8, 2018 5:58 am

    haha I'e read that yaoi, but that's actually not it. The art was different and it was in a fantasy land rather than someone going through portal. The uke I think had light hair and so did the seme. I remember in the beginning in a comedic way the hot-headed uke was threatening to tell the older brother that he was being treated bad as a hostage (because he had his hair cut

    pigglypoof May 8, 2018 1:18 pm
    haha I'e read that yaoi, but that's actually not it. The art was different and it was in a fantasy land rather than someone going through portal. The uke I think had light hair and so did the seme. I remember i... Kaleidocat

    Hmm...I don't think I've ever read that one

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