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i mean i get the king bc bro is hot as hell

vercion kinda ate in that one but i still loathe him fuckk man can albis come faster

redcrochets created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i bet he washed his face was bc he's gonna lose himself over seyeong rn lmfaooo this guy

redcrochets created a topic of The World Without You

what a ride goddamn i hope they get a therapy they deserve in the side stories

his answer is gonna be my russian roulette

redcrochets created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

no way.... they seme-fied seong ah

wheres the side stories man..... i be missing this couple like a mf

redcrochets asked a question

looking for bls with 'hidden beauty' type characters!! something like sunwoo from punch drunk love

the actor/model got me on my KNEES he's so fine wtf like i need a whole ass manga about them right now. this as oneshot is a crime

redcrochets asked a question

any BLs that started off as a love triangle but they ended up as poly?

redcrochets created a topic of Nerd Project

millions died because of that last panel wtf he's so stunning

redcrochets created a topic of Hotel Pharus

this is so underrated omg, i love all the characters and their interactions. the artstyle is really cute too! definitely a reread for me


redcrochets created a topic of Happy End no Kyuseishu

my guy suddenly can write words, become #1 wingman and then dipped ijbol

hajime is so beautiful i dont know if i want to be him or be with him

i wish catboys were real

redcrochets created a topic of D:AZE

i swear first is getting more and more beautiful every new chapter. he's so cute

redcrochets created a topic of Sketch

aint no way he just throw away the thought to switch like EVEN YIKYUNG WAS OKAY WITH IT!!!!!! JUST ONCE IM BEGGING

redcrochets asked a question

give me bl/shounen ai's with insane level of sexual tension between the mc and ml. preferably if its action genre but i dont mind other types!