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Jinx January 2, 2024 2:41 am

Loved the 1st half, felt worth reading. Disappointed in 2nd half, mixed feelings but mainly disappointed. My opinions changed for many things throughout the 2nd half. No spoilers, the rest of what i say isn't referring exclusively to main characters. Honestly the internalized homophobia was actually insaaaane (& not really addressed). Yohan was surprisingly the healthiest one in this story, love him. I was rooting for main couple to get together so hard for so long, & by the end of the chapters my main thought is Yohan deserves better (in general, not just relationship-wise). Really didn't expect to feel this way. Still could be worth a read, but if you're unhappy with certain dynamics somewhere in chp 40s-50s (can't remember where specifically but you should know what I'm talking about when you get there) i wouldn't have high hopes of it getting much better. Still glad i read it to get some context for the "sequal" story of this one, haven't read that one yet tho so can't comment on my opinion

Hope this didn't come off hateful great author/artist with a lot of potential!

    jjaxson January 11, 2024 2:51 pm

    Is the internalised homophobia you're referring to in relation to Park Moogyeuong? Cause that's not internalised homophobia; the author did a very good job of showing the psyche of gay people living in conservative countries through Park Moogyeuong.
    I don't see where you'd get the idea where he isn't worthy of Yohan cause he was a good partner, maybe I'm just reading too much into this either way.

    Brownies_and_Sponges January 21, 2024 8:00 am

    On my first read I was totally like this! I felt unsatisfied and as if something was missing, but after reading the second season (the one with Yuri) and re-reading this one, I felt better knowing that they look like a couple that can overcome these problems.

    What dynamics are you talking about? I didn't really get that.

    They have a lot of insecurities that honestly could be worked with therapy. I think that's the main issue in their relationship, how they blame themselves too easily. Seeing them communicate with each other it's truly something refreshing to me.

    Jinx February 6, 2024 10:30 am
    On my first read I was totally like this! I felt unsatisfied and as if something was missing, but after reading the second season (the one with Yuri) and re-reading this one, I felt better knowing that they loo... Brownies_and_Sponges

    It's been a bit since i read these, so I'll do my best to respond! I absolutely feel the same! It was nice to see them as a couple in the 2nd season & it made me feel better about how they left off in this one.

    As far as dynamics, i really couldn't get over how he couldn't even tell his bf that he likes him at the very least. I kept waiting for the character growth for it to happen. They had a lot to work through, but there were many moments where yohan was being vulnerable & trying to do his best for the relationship & he couldn't even tell yohan he liked him back at any of these moments. Killed me.
    Also the older brother coming out of nowhere with the internalized homophobia being worried he influenced yohan's sexuality. You'd expect an elder gay to show more support for a baby gay & maybe help him sort out his feelings & how he identifies. I understand the fear, i too grew up somewhere extremely conservative & ultimately had to relocate, but queer people know that's not how sexuality works & it seemed he had been living as a gay man long enough to confront some of those things rather than passing the trauma along like conservative hetero parents.
    Like overall i think it was good, but not for me, & that's okay. Wish i could've gotten the internalized homophobia warning which is why i mentioned it in my initial comment

    Jinx February 6, 2024 10:51 am
    Is the internalised homophobia you're referring to in relation to Park Moogyeuong? Cause that's not internalised homophobia; the author did a very good job of showing the psyche of gay people living in conserva... jjaxson

    Sorry I'm not good with names so can't still remember which was park moogyeuong. I'm guessing he's the boyfriend? If so, i was mainly talking about the big bro with the internalized homophobia (which thanks to my profession i am intimately familiar with), can't remember how much it affected park. & just cause park's hurting doesn't mean he doesn't deserve someone like yohan, but at the same time that doesn't mean yohan doesn't deserve to be treated better. Both things can be true. I responded to someone else's comment, hopefully it can give you a lil more context for my thoughts. If you still disagree with my opinions that's okay, they're just opinions & the original comment is meant for people who may feel similarly reading the story :3

    uwuar April 3, 2024 6:50 am

    I actually agree

Jinx December 21, 2023 8:58 pm

I found this genuinely entertaining, the key is just don't take it too serious. So many characters doing the chunibyo "using one hand to hold their hair back at their forehead" move (yk the one) XD ***genuinely contains dark themes, so if yk that's not your thing please practice self care by finding a story more suited to your tastes!♡♡♡

Hopefully not too much of a spoiler, but it might be for you if you like twisted endings♡

    owlete May 12, 2024 3:29 am

    Is this more of a random all over the place thing, or an actual sadist kink?

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