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P00per created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

I may be very mean to say this but I'm fully uninterested in the Yakuza side plot like I don't know if it's due to the uploads being far apart (thank you btw translators I am very thankful for your unpaid labor) or the fact that it's really trying to do something that is not that well grounded? I don't remember any names or what they're doing exactly they're just throwing new scenarios from the looks of it

P00per created a topic of Chainsaw Man

These past few chapter endings have left me like o_o -_- o_o

P00per created a topic of 2020

Just saw chapter 20 and like... I'm not sure what to feel about this turn of events

P00per created a topic of Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club

Yacchan can't catch a fking break

P00per created a topic of Chainsaw Man

Ah yes nothing would cheer things up in this disaster more than toxic masculinity display, slay king .
Idduno about you guys but the writing is the most entertaining part like screw the action scenes I'm here for the borderline insanity

P00per created a topic of ENNEAD

Oh no... don't tell me *sees comments* oh thank the lord

P00per created a topic of 2020

Came for the smut, stayed for the granny

P00per created a topic of 2020

I was expecting just straight up smut but this is actually heart warming! Been a while since I've read something like that

These two should meet fr, they're the only ones in the whole universe that can contribute to the 4rth wall breaking XD

Bro planned for anything BUT what his younger self said. I'm sorry MC sadly it's already canon

P00per created a topic of Nerd Project

Luke you took your sweet time letting him yap like that but I'm glad he's minced meat now..

P00per created a topic of Nerd Project
P00per created a topic of Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu

I kinda get the shounen ai argument because it really did not need to be tagged as such. Yoshiki liking past Hikaru shouldn't really classify it as a shounen ai since it doesn't hold the same weight as the other tags unlike with actual shounen ai. Either way I hold this manga dear to my heart, it's just an amazing story that I am snagging as soon as I see at a con

Now that this is done...I feel filthy and in need of an acid bath..

P00per answered question about question
I like boobs on anyone but me XD
P00per created a topic of Shintan Kairou

This shit's getting more fucked up as it goes on. I could have been reading literally anything else yet I wish to see how it ends.

I relate to the mc a lot tbh. The feeling of being comfortable being the observer in your own life and not actually doing anything with the people you like because you feel lesser.. I love to see stuff like this being explored in manga