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ltlsMee followed a goer
27 days
ltlsMee followed a goer
01 05,2024
ltlsMee created a topic of Jinx

MF DESERVES THAT SLAP AND MORE TO COME. HES NEVER BEEN A GOOD PERSON AND VERBALLY, MENTALLY, AND PHYSICALLY ABUSED DAN. I’m really hoping he left the gym for good. I don’t blame everyone else leaving as well. Dealing with jaekyung all the time would make me kms. I’m happy they went to another place where they’re treated good and respected.

ltlsMee followed a goer

haiii ^_^ hi!! hiiiii <3 haiiiiii hii :3

As you all know, I am a no lifer: I have no friends, no job and no loved one. I am alone.


30 03,2024