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Goddessfood created a topic of Lookism

Who’s jinyoung park again?

Goddessfood created a topic of Lookism

Not my man Gun, NOT MY GUN, MY GUN!!NOT HIM

I don’t know Fred is woman and second the blonde hair guy does he know he have body pillow of a 17 year old cross dresser? Is the brother older ? Because I could swear someone said he’s 17 years old.

The way y’all are defending that fcked up son of a bitch are fcking sick and concerning him saying that is literally “ I wanna gRAPE you but I know you wouldn’t like it so I wouldn’t but next time I will” LIKE MY GUY, and it looks like to me y’all never get that said to you in real life because that shit it literally gRAPEY intention.

I wanna know how long is the chapters and when will it be finished, will it also have side stories? How many babies will they make plus I was giving the mother the benefit of a doubt but I hate her but still feel sad for her but just a little.

Goddessfood created a topic of Lookism

Sad back story I really hated how he died but that doesn’t give vin jin the right to bully and beat up anyone what did that innocent fat boy do to get beat up and bullied like that, I know the answer “NOTHING”.

Goddessfood created a topic of Killer Peter

His ass is gonna die I already know he wasn’t gonna join the little gang but the person I’m excited to see is the gun guy from the way he’s talking I’m getting a Jimin vibes from him especially a extremely sassy one I’m hoping I’m not wrong .

Goddessfood created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

No talking just torture and murder get that hoe plus that woman is still hang over her ex pissy bitch

I don’t but it’s feels like she’s speaking from pain and hatred instead of ignorancy I mean she did lost the love of her life on top of that her kid have the same thing that killed her husband, I don’t know I just feel sorry for her.

Goddessfood created a topic of Lookism

I should have continued ignoring it but nooooooo my fast ass decided to take a peak and is now fcking piss off, sad and traumatized because ik my baby is gonna be blamed

Y’all who I saying they are not related by blood or anything, the lady still took him in as family and they grew up as brothers no matter what them fcking was and still is disgusting but the MC is a fcking pushover and it’s frustrating.

This dude loves to pile problems upon problems without consulting the another until his boyfriend have to go BEHIND his back to help him, on top of that, that fcking fck face cunt have the nerve to ask for his number because I bet is because the main lead reject his bastard ass throughout college ( men and their ego) worst of all I’m getting frustrated like my dude LEARN TO SAY NO AND WALK TF AWAY, you have a boyfriend who will bring down hell for you CONSULT IN HIM AND BOTH OF YALL STOMP ON YOUR ENEMIES TOGETHER, goddam misunderstanding in BL is a damm kink to authors.

Goddessfood created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Umm I know we don’t like the couple but saying he as no right to get mad over a butt slap is very demonizing like yes they use to date and do those stuff but they broke up and she was not allowed to continue do those things anymore, that’s sexual harassment no matter what, saying he’s overreacting is victim shaming and if it’s girls who’s saying those stuff y’all are hella disappointing.

Goddessfood like topic of Crush and Burn

uhm….am i the only one disgusted and disappointed

Goddessfood created a topic of Lookism

I don’t care I rather be dead than get gRAPE shits fcked up.

Goddessfood created a topic of Wolf In The House

I saw and heard comments of girls saying they love reading BL but hate gay people in real life that’s shit fcked up dude like what? Then I saw a comment a Muslim girl said she loves reading BL stories but gay people should really die in real life and when people called them out they use the lamest fcking excuse “It’s a fictional story it’s not real” like girlie? Gay people are FCKING REAL and you are clearly fetishizing a relationship and on top of that a fcking hypocrite, don’t very use your religion to hide your sick twisted mind.

The women that march for my rights will be concerned of things I’m thinking for a fictional man forgive me.

Goddessfood created a topic of Wolf In The House

Those words hit to close to fcking home “You liking girls?”, “did the devil compel you into that shit”,” You’re my daughter I know you only like men”,” Is it because of what happen to you when you were little? Don’t worry those this happened and still women like men”,” I want my daughter back don’t break your mother heart” when I finally say that I only like men “ I knew you like men it’s ok everyone feels those ways but keep praying and god will guide you back”, shit is fcked up as hell but I’m from the Caribbean what’s more to it.

Goddessfood created a topic of Killer Peter

Honestly she did good she was able to make Simon bleed.

This is the kind of story I like, where the female lead always stood her ground no matter what and now the bitch of a king is the one begging for her, ahhhh I love my fellow women.