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That's not a deck that's a baguette lmao rip virgin's ass

Shiroshiro created a topic of Haunted by Desire

Omg they're so beautiful they are hilarious

Shiroshiro created a topic of Full volume

I'm bawling my eyes ryt now ╥﹏╥ thank you for being part of your life and witnessing the new journey of your love and end of this story. Gonna miss this buff dudes

I'm still surprise everytime I saw how tall Jacques is especially when she stand besides sorcerers. Big mommy ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Shiroshiro created a topic of PUNKS△TRIANGLE

I already thought they were the same person (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Shiroshiro created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

wanna breathe and dig my face too to those bossom big titties

Shiroshiro created a topic of Jinx

I know Jaekyung is shitty asshole and need to have some reality check but he didn't deserve this playing dirty especially Dan has been involved again

Shiroshiro created a topic of True Education

Bruh the end gave me chills. Like whutttt (⊙…⊙ )

Your wee-wee in my bum-bum. I can't that was so cute. Both Rim and Aa-el are so cute ヾ(☆▽☆)

Shiroshiro created a topic of Haunted by Desire

Are they biologically brothers again here in side stories?

I love both of them but it's better if both of them starts to communicate and get to know each other more to build trust. I know Woowon is still not brave enough or haven't proved himself enough to stand beside Seo-an so he still doesn't tell him about his past (his problem father) and his inferiority he's feeling.

While Seo-an, yes we love rich daddy and boss uke but being in a relationship doesn't have to be you're the only one who's in control. Both of you have your own lives, own decisions before you become a couple. This just doesn't resolve with only money and superiority.

If it involves between the two of you then feel free to tell each other without keeping a secret and make a bravado and telling to yourself that it is for the goodness sake of your partner.

Communication and understanding is the key you folks.

(p.s this also pertains for the raw chapters)

He's so damn fineee i became thirsty all of a sudden ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

I just started reading this but uke seems look like Song Kang and wth is the seme body looks like Hulk lmao

He's mini me version when he crossdress is such a cutieeee. I wanna pinch his cheeks ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Shiroshiro created a topic of Dear Sir / My Ahjussi

The art is giving. The rape is unnecessary. Period.

Shiroshiro created a topic of Dear Sir / My Ahjussi

I feel like the art is wasted since the story already start at non-con and rape. The art is giving but It would be better if the two of them make their way (consensual) to make ahjussi fall in love with them. I'm already tired with all this new manhwa that started going strong with rape #-.-)

Shiroshiro created a topic of Chase me, Watchdog

Ngl 'real' Alex hairdo is like Son Wukong

Shiroshiro created a topic of Chase me, Watchdog

"I wonder what pulled out 'real' Sir?"
"Don't tell him it was my anus." lmao Lay is such hilarious