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Meru21 created a topic of Flip the script

I've always thought that his older brother had a weird possessiveness over him. Like he was harboring incestuous thoughts. Guess we're gonna find out

Meru21 created a topic of PASSION

R totally drugged that beer.

Meru21 created a topic of Geolson's Past

I feel terrible that Geolson felt the only way to escape was suicide. . Considering he did that in his past life, I wonder if that's where it will lead in this one. History tends to repeat itself, after all.

Meru21 created a topic of I Like Your Pheromones

Can someone tell me what chapter he temp marked him?? I think I might have skipped it. (Changed phones and it reset my progress for read.)

Meru21 created a topic of The Sweetest Snare

I don't feel nor see any chemistry between the emperor and Jaein. In fact, I don't really feel any chemistry between anyone...

Meru21 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I've been trying to pinpoint why the tan guy looks familiar and it finally hit me! He looks like Kokoum from Pocahontas.

Meru21 created a topic of Regas

So now that we're this far in, I think it's apparent that the cover is either incorrect, or showing a separate couple. Anyone know?

Meru21 created a topic of Into The Thrill

I want him to win. He's so sweet and seems so sad. A coward, sure, but he can overcome that. I hope Haewon doesn't break him beyond repair...

Meru21 created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

Super sexy officer, but I'm so sad for him and Jikang. It has to be so bitter sweet to see him everywhere. .

Meru21 created a topic of Ianryu

I cant say I really liked this. I mean, sure it had a "happy" ending, but it left a seriously icky taste in my mouth the whole way through. There really was no break from the rape and sexual torture so it made for an overall terrible feel. The characters, too, kind of lacked a lot of real depth. It was hard to like any of them or really get to know them because it seemed like there was no real commitment to who the characters were supposed to be from beginning to end. I wouldnt recommend this unless you want to read a whole lot of rape. Not even the plot-enducing, pivotal kind.

Meru21 created a topic of Waterside Night

I have podophobia so that chapter made me want to hurl.

Meru21 created a topic of Regas

Whats the age gap here? I'm assuming that because the prince is dragon born, he might have an accelerated growth rate at some point, or he might be stunted due to all the abuse, but does anyone remember if his age and the Regas' age was mentioned?

Meru21 created a topic of Wish You All the Best

So based on the wish that his mother "cast" on him, Saein was unable to release his pheromones until he liked someone. And now his pheromones are unstable and everyone can smell them.....and he's pregnant. And he's planing to either disappear or maybe he's just going to learn to control his pheromones enough to make it so he doesn't release them again. I wonder... I he falls out of love with someone, will his pheromones then cease again? Or will just that person be unable to smell them? Its rather an odd wish, because I can't tell if it's that Saein doesn't release pheromones or if he releases a type of pheromone to others when he's not in love that makes it seem like he's unscented.... very curious

Meru21 created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

I wonder if Yijae knows that Minhyuk killed N but kept him around because he couldn't handle losing him too so he suppressed the knowledge... he seems to have a habit of doing that

They both are so broken. Too bad therapists don't seem like a thing in this realm. They need one

I had an abusive mother. One who was neglectful at first, then physically, mentally, emotionally abusive and then back to neglectful. Eein is NOT that at all. She tried and thats more than many mothers out there do. Giving the child to the imperial family is whats best for him if she feels she's emotionally unable to care for the child. Not to mention that the child would have been taken from her anyway, so distancing herself was probably a mercy to the boy if he was eventually going to leave anyway. She couldn't hide him forever.
Also, Rein has extensive trauma she hasn't dealt with and,unfortunately, Wilhelm triggered that trauma in the worst way possible. Just because it doesn't amount to betrayal to you, or because it doesn't seem all that important to you doesn't mean it isn't for someone else. Have a little sympathy if you can't have empathy. Rein lost EVERYTHING in her first life and then in her second, she thought she had everything only to be betrayed by the one person she thought would never betray her. And not once, but twice, because she forgave him the first time. He literally lied as he told her he was telling her the truth when all she wanted was the truth. If that isn't enough for her to lose all trust in him, then I don't know what is. I would act the same way because of my trauma as well. I have a very visceral reaction to those I get close to betraying me. It literally tears me apart, which is why I have very few I get close to at all.
Also, I'm really bummed that Dietrich has someone else. I feel like the author didn't know how to resolve him so she did the amnesia thing. Seemed like a cop out to me. I'm glad he's alive, don't get me wrong, but I'm bummed the amnesia is sticking. I am glad to see he's happy and hasn't changed, though.
And yes, the child has done nothing wrong and he doesn't understand. Even Rein knows that. But just as betrayal cannot stop love, love cannot cure trauma. Part of me still loves my mother. But I don't love what's really her. I love the glimpses she showed me in public when she acted like my mom. At least Reinhardt is a good person. She genuinely loves the boy, you can tell, but she's haunted by him. She wants him to have a good life but knows she can't give it to him. Rather than possibly having that love turn to resentment or to further abuse him, she'd rather give him a chance for that somewhere else. Though, to be perfectly honest, I would have given the child to Dietrich and had him raise the child as his own instead and just played the doting mistress. But that would have only hurt Dietrich and Rio when the imperial family took him. . . There really is no win in this situation. There's only the lesser of the two evils.

Meru21 created a topic of Midnight Dweller

I have a horrible feeling he won't make it in time but the child will be born and thats what DR will be left with. I hope I'm wrong.

Meru21 created a topic of Under the Green Light

He actually looked his age in this chapter. It worries me.

Meru21 created a topic of Someone Like You

I don't need sides. I barely needed the latter half of this. With the side by side comparison of the beginning of the artwork and where it is now, it reaffirms my previous opinion that the artwork was so much better at the start. It looks so bland and cartoonish (yes, I know its a cartoon regardless) with those harsh black outlines and no shadowing. Overall, I feel like th author didn't know what to do with this whole story, didn't really have a plot and didn't know how to finish it. I wouldn't classify this as a slow burn or slice of life romance. It's just kind of lacking all around in a fundamental sense. Fine for a filler but not something I would recommend nor read again.

Meru21 created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

...or is the artwork getting worse and sloppy?