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Reikyukyu created a topic of Sex Exercise

Just finished, that was a fun read! I love the variety of body shapes for both men and women, kinda feel refreshing. Good visual and the story got me hooked right away even as a (pervy) girl. I like all the characters beside Nona/Charim (obvisouly but he's funny because he's pathetic)
My only let down are pretty much about Yuna and Miso/Nona, I wish Yuna had a better closure and I hoped that Woong had the balls to leave Yuna instead of her ghosting him. Their couple was crappy anyways, so I'm just glad they don't end up together.
Miso deserve better he's a good guy...but hey it seems like he don't mind it at all he knows what he's getting into ¬_¬ So I don't have any pity for him and his deviant couple.
Nona is a total slut, I mean she can't even hold a conversation with him without starting to suck a cock, or without groping someone's tits *facepalm* I can't stand sex addict like her, they are disgusting as fuck.