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Wooyeon is a very interesting character, I mean I hate him but I still don’t really understand him

Lanie created a topic of Waterside Night

I know he just got abducted but can we talk about how euihyun reacted to her pheromones? Is the author like making it evident that he’s pregnant or what

Lanie created a topic of Crucial Point
Lanie created a topic of Risky Vice
Lanie created a topic of High Pulse

If this turns into a love jinx type of haitus KNOW I JUMPED

Lanie created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

Idk why this story been getting hate recently but I loved it.. maybe I just have poor taste?

Lanie created a topic of Someone Like You

Next week is the finale nooo I’ll miss Shinwoo and Han

Lanie created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I love well written manhwa

Lanie created a topic of Waterside Night

Love how euihyun is starting to return taeju’s affections

Lanie created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

Only reason I read these chapters is to see how their break up unfolds

Lanie created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

Well now we just gotta wait another 2 months for the next chapter, I’m so excited!

Lanie created a topic of Touch Up

That old cunt can catch these hands

Lanie created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

these comments have me dead asf ☠

Lanie created a topic of Waterside Night

I love taejus character development

Lanie created a topic of Limited Run

I wish they would’ve continued the main story tbh