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Meow created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Please, I was so excited for nothing

Meow created a topic of 2020

Stop acting like a jerk to your granny or I'm goin' to slap your ass. I know you care for her, enough acting like a three year old toddler, yeah?

Meow created a topic of The Moon-Painting Alchemist

lolz They got instant servant. He deserve it for breaking in.

Meow created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Damn! Jaehyuk literally chewed Garam ass as if he was starve for a year haha

Such healthy color sausages. yummy!

An emperor like that isn't supposed to be seated on the top. Remind me of Emperor Shuviso(Whatever his name from Remarried Empress) Even his tears is disgusting. yuck!

Meow created a topic of I Don't Want to Work!

Oh, except Ridi, I can't sign in there. Thanks in advance

You dumbass emperor don't deserve her. We'll be so happy seeing how you regret your idiotic decision in the near future

Meow created a topic of Gig of the Day

I'll beat you to a pulp if you made my baby cry.

Meow created a topic of Mated To The Ruthless Alpha

even those scars are so damn attractive

Meow created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

The only slap I'll love

Meow created a topic of Can't Think Straight

This is what I've been waiting for, a character and story development. Garam is so pretty though

Meow created a topic of The best luck of my life

seme just have to act cutesy

Meow created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

Coz why not? They're so fuckin' hot

Meow created a topic of Star Struck

Where can I read the Korean raws except ridi? (can't register on ridi and was declined multiple times )

Meow created a topic of Mated To The Ruthless Alpha

The plot is exciting

Meow created a topic of Popping Candy

He has unfortunate past and psychological problem so his behavior is understandable and bearable. Seeing he's changing somehow because of the MC's relentless pursuit is good... looking forward for the development of the story

Meow created a topic of Monday'saviour

I really hate it when someone teases me of the thing (bug/caterpillars) I feared the most. My heart palpitates and my vision become blurry as if all my blood rushing to my head. It's nowhere funny at all.