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LolCapture created a topic of My one and only cat

Yall do be complainin' bout this mostly being sex, but have yall even read 1 chapter of Sketch??? (︶︿︶)=凸

LolCapture created a topic of Ink Painting

This story got me questioning half of the world.

LolCapture created a topic of Jinx

according to what I've seen, this is (according to my theory ) gonna take a very BJ Alex turn as we've reached chp 42, and smth big will happen, my guess is that Dan will be like "Fuck u Jaekyung" and leave, and cauliflower ear will be like "hmph ok!!~~" or smth like that, and as we near the ending, potentially chp 60 - 70, cauliflower ear will be like "ILY MOVE IN W ME BBG" and Dan will ( idk maybe ) at first be like "noo" but then later say "yess" but who knows he may fold in the first time as well lol, anyways, then they will be "happily married", b=cauliflower will leave the boxing industry or smth to find 'inner peace' or smth like that, and then a side story will start. According to what I've seen so far, and the conclusion to this ppt presentation of a comment, I'm preetttyy sure, this'll happen.. could be wrong tho....

could be wrong........ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭