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duck the other contestants - they're all annoying... except maybe garnet, pearl, and amythest.

Platinum is just a playboy.
Alexandrite is just suspicious and suspicion.

Owl Guy is the one that matters.

... It was owl guy or owl man-???

轻轻落下来的叶子 followed a goer
26 03,2024
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
At some point disturbing just crosses the boundary of disgusting and at that point, we put our phones down and question just why? Starving Anonymous P2 creeped me out though

16 people did   /   2 want to do

Always... My classmates hate me in English because of this. They speak of the North and I speak of the South.

41 people did   /   43 want to do

I know nothing, am nothing, and will be nothing.

轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
I hit my chin on the side of the pool while jumping in backwards when I was... seven? eight?. A chunk of my chin fell out and I was bleeding. It was hit hard enough that it actually didn't hurt at all and was entirely numb. I was bleeding into the pool and still swimming. Then a kid saw me and said, "You're bleeding." I climbed out of the pool and......
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
idk why I read that as your JOB is being a masochist like you earn dollars for it. Tonari ni is healthier I think?
Egg, it's proven actually. Eggs are just female sex cells, but a chick need both male and female sex cells so it's more likely that there was first. Birds also came from dinosaurs and dinosaurs laid eggs so there's that.

MC treats people who like her like disposable trash. As long as you are loyal AND useful, you're a good person. There's no compromise of situation or even the barest attempt at understanding others. If you are loyal but not useful then you're just annoying. If you're useful, but not loyal, then you're just cannon fodder. You pose an indirect risk to her then she'll tear you apart regardless if you are directly at fault or not. Innocent or guilty, you stand in the way and she'll ruin you for existing. The only way she can balance her hate is through enacting revenge. Unless you prove both loyalty and usefulness, you are just pebbles underneath her carriage.

ML treats people who like MC as executable garbage. Either be over 50 or be younger than 15 when interacting with MC. If you look at her the wrong way, die. If you speak to her the wrong way, die. MC opens a shop and he'll burn all hell to make it successful. MC is faraway, he'll neglect duties to visit her. MC does something that makes him frustrated, he'll beat up people who are trying to help him to 'relieve' himself. Someone likes MC? That's grounds to make their life hell. Someone treats MC well? That's ground to make their life hell. He can only be the one who is good to MC. Literal disposable burnable trash. His design isn't even that good. His eye colour and hair colour give him the appearance of depictions of the river Styx in the underworld.

Two jerks are meant for each other. One who pretends not to care and one who cares too much. Isn't that amazing?

I hope Sion finds someone better to like than a woman who'll acknowledge that he likes her and continuously suggestively touch his face, his hands, and so on like one would with a dog. She won't even attempt to set boundaries or try to explain anything, she justs...???

So what her past is depressing, there was people with worse lives who have better personalities. I hate it when "Oh she had a terrible childhood" is an excuse for their shitty personality, that's just discrediting people who are good and remain good because they believe they should be good. A bad childhood is a reason, not an excuse...

(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

轻轻落下来的叶子 followed question about question

answer honestly: if i came at u booty cheeks clapping full throttle what would u do?

23 03,2024
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
I don't know what that means but I would decline politely and gtfo of being-too-close-to-you.
I can wiggle my ears, split my tongue into a clover shape, touch my nose with my tongue, and bend my index fingers (both of them) at an angle of 50~60 degrees from the back of my hand. Oh and I can hold back sneeze fairly well.
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
A cat in a shark costume going 'nomnomnomnomnom' on a mouse wearing a fish costume.
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
If you don't work hard, you'll be homeless. That or marry a rich person, but we all know no one here is lucky enough for that. Actually, that is really similar to what my chem teacher said to us, except he told us that we'd be jobless.
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
And don't forget the cuticle dance. Heals all wounds Recovers all sleep. Source of all joy in life.
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
they think they're worth knowing so they give a shit about imposters, when no one knows them lmao---

genuinely thought the cover art was a bowl of spicy noodles for a second---

轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
human eating a snake being eaten by a human being eaten by a snake being eaten by a human being eaten by a snake being eaten by a human being eaten by a snake being eaten by a human being eaten by a snake being eaten by a human being eaten by a snake being eaten by a human being eaten by a snake being eaten by a human being eaten by a snake being e......
you live, quite amazing honestly
just lie down for a day... you'll feel better... it'll be fine... (I'm on my period too lol)