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TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Paljae

When was it mentioned he had a son other than chapter 90?? I don’t remember

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Solo For Two

Istg the amount of misunderstandings…Does he still think that the baby is Sasya and Levin’s????

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Love in Orbit

Never has a manhwa character made me this fucking mad before in my 42 years of living. Jokes aside he’s so insufferable like how do you leave your son with your debt then come back after he wins the lottery like kill yourself a thousand times already

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Wet Sand

Toby's dad live execution in 4K


TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Crush and Burn

Also can we take a moment to appreciate the character designs? All of them are interesting and distinct and aesthetically pleasing to my eyes

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Crush and Burn

1 day without dick and he already tweaking

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Wet Sand

Who's the guy at end?? I forget

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Limited Run

Nooo these 4 special episodes were more interesting than the actual story

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Crush and Burn

How are some you shipping Vercike and Ken AND saying Agia is bad for Ken you guys don't deserve to have an opinion

I want to read this but the violent rape is such a turn off. Can someone tell me if this gets somewhat better? I don't mind spoilers

Can we all collectively agree every omegaverse story is terrible, straight or gay

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Nerd Project

Can somebody just beat his ass already

That was honestly a roller-coaster. Not emotionally but because there were so many unnecessary things being thrown into it. The ending was cute but it was rushed imo. Yes I was complaining about this being dragged out but that did not mean I wanted it to end abruptly

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Liveta

I'm in love with Stella she's so pretty

Dramatical Murder will always be terrible no matter what form it comes in dj, anime, and the game

I can't with the artstyle it's actually so fucking bad