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Ilovekdj asked a question

Can I get some bl recs like midnight men where either the mcs or mls or both job is to sleep w/ other people

Ilovekdj asked question about turn into a guy

Whats the most extreme thing youve done to fake sick to not go to school? I ate 12 pills of random medication hoping it would make me sick and it didnt fucking work so instead i made myself vomit by shoving a finger down my throat

Ilovekdj answered question about turn into a guy
ive acctually tried reading it multiple time but never finished it in the beggining i didnt even want to read it cuz ppl were shipping the two mcs..
Ilovekdj answered question about turn into a guy
genuinely im a sensitive fuck i would probably just cry
Ilovekdj answered question about turn into a guy
idk depends ive been sleeping between 5-1 hours during school nights wich is horrid i litteraly cant sleep at night so i got some melatonin and im planning to sleep 12h straight tonight